The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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6/17/2023 1:57 am  #1

Niagara Power

The Niagara Power Generation Station was the first giant plant producing high megawatts for long line transmission.
It's now closed and it's a tourist attraction. You can go down I think something like 90 ft and walk out the 2200 ft tunnel
through solid rock that use to carry the discharge water from the turbines to below the falls.
I had never heard the name Edward Dean Adams before so I had to look him up.
Holy shit he was one of the, or a very close associate of, the Robber Barons, and obviously made a comfortable living. [/sarcasm]


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

6/17/2023 12:23 pm  #2

Re: Niagara Power

I never heard of the guy either, but he reminds me of The Donald, who has hundreds of companies under his greedy thumb.


6/19/2023 3:25 am  #3

Re: Niagara Power

Being a banker he was sucked up to from the git go, and many of those jobs... uh, positions could be held simultaneously. But paying well simultaneously. He was a below the radar robber baron, at least to us peasants.

 As for trumps businesses, there weren't that many before 2018, he had more lawyers than businesses as half his income was from refusing to pay bills saying "sue me"

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
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6/19/2023 12:21 pm  #4

Re: Niagara Power

Wikipedia has Trump as the owner of the Trump Organization with 500 business entities. 


6/19/2023 8:26 pm  #5

Re: Niagara Power

Al Capone also had hundreds of brothels, speakeasies, and roadhouses that officially did not exist (according to tax lawyers).  Apparently Capone did not have enough lawyers.  Trump apparently learned.


6/19/2023 9:10 pm  #6

Re: Niagara Power

Trump is probably the opposite; While Capone owned a bunch of companies with none to his name, Trump has his name on a bunch of companies he doesn't own.  The majority of the "entities" he owns are probably nothing more than shells made for one specific transaction.

|_______________| We live in the nick of times.
|  Len 17, Wid 3      |

6/25/2023 12:04 am  #7

Re: Niagara Power

Or to avoid taxes.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
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