I've bitched before about spam emails using the names of real companies in the headers.
That's only one of the myriad of deceptive crap.
But this one made me laugh, sneaky with plausible deniability...
A while back I was bitching about spam emails using the name, trademark right down to the little circled R of major corporations but has nothing to do with them.
I asked why the corporations don't jump on these spammers sullying their name.
I got this email from Pendleton today, no idea how they got my name.
glatt wrote:
We only have ourselves to blame. Starting with spam phone calls.
For example, I filed a complaint with the state's Attorney General about phone calls that violate both the state and Federal no-call laws. The state's Attorney General, who was a right wing extremist (and later voted out), wrote me back saying laws were too hard to enforce. So he would not try. It was a form letter.
Ever notice that most phone spammers only call after 9 AM and before 8 PM? Turns out they have a deal with some extremist politicians. As long as they abide by that simple rule, government will make no effort to create laws that would obstruct or prosecute them.
Same applies to spammers. Government makes no effort to make laws. Since, as a nation, we don't care. The attitude of many - its your problem. Deal with it.