The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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7/07/2024 12:15 am  #1

Pre-Digested Meat

Aden Weenus advertises “Cadmium-Enriched Meat Softener” using a picture of his of his non photogenic
2 year old daughter Glendoreena Weemus.
The ad showing the repulsive green sauce, touting the added cadmium (which is a carcinogen by the way),
and claiming Pre-Digested beef is healthier, is a real ad... sort of.
Snopes says the product is not.

Comedian Cris Shapan makes these bogus ads on facebook.
After seeing the ad and swearing to never let that stuff near you, then maybe making a mental list of who you’d like to feed some to.
It’s kind of a letdown, but sort of a relief to find out none of these actually exist.

It would mean parents would no longer have to eat then puke into baby's mouth.
Do you realize how hard it is to hire a babysitter to do that?
Maybe these things don't actually exist because no clever entrepreneur like yourself has brought then to fruition. 


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

7/07/2024 10:27 pm  #2

Re: Pre-Digested Meat

ACK! I may have gone to HS with Aden "The Penis" Weenus."


7/08/2024 6:01 am  #3

Re: Pre-Digested Meat

These are pretty awesome, he hits that sweet spot where you kinda question...

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

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