Yeah that swirl is unsettling
I think that alpine town looked like a bullseye to draw your eyes to the house of ill repute.
Moving on...
How much does 500 ft of dock rent for?
If Mama ain't happy...
Whole tree in his hands....
Staking a claim?
I especially liked the the trees tied in knots.
Those are cool. The hand sculpture is evocative. I also come away wondering why we don't tax the rich effectively.
That mega yacht is in Antibes.
I just went to Google Earth and a adjusted the view size so that a AAA battery from my desk drawer pretty closely matched the size and width of the yacht on the screen, and I think it's close to impossible for it to get out of its berth without moving some pretty big docks out of the way. It's too big to easily make the turns, even with tug boats helping it. Kind of like parking a car in the dining room, and trying to get it out of the house through the living room.
It looks nice docked there though.
Last edited by glatt (5/06/2024 7:28 am)
Here is a video of docking if you can get through the
Incredible Video Shows How A 511ft Super Yacht Is Moored (
Looks like a completely different port. Different country even.
But it shows the side thrusting that helps getting out of the living room.
The hand sculpture I think is in a public park.
Since the bigass yacht is pretty new, it may have thrusters or props on a turret that can be pointed.
It likely does, and they clearly got it there, so they must be able to get it back out, but it's extremely tight.
Tight matters not when you can just tell the serfs to make way for his majesty.
Aurora, don't know if it's north or south.
Put your glasses on before going outside...
Looks like somebody hit the flush handle...
Hey, how did my one of my porn collection pics get in there?
Drama down on the farm.
Fish Fry!
Trees are cool...
they provide some oxygen...
and stabilize the soil...
provide us with fruit...
Provide home and food for feathered & furry friends...
provide poop for the car wash to clean.
Moon, tree, lake
Seems kind of fake.
I only promised pretty, not real. LoL
Basements and sub-basements...
Cherry blossoms...
Not sure but looks like cranberry harvest...
I've seen a bunch of these in the northwest and Alaska. Road goes straight at a mountain then at the last minute turns and goes around. Never figured out why.
It's scenery, interesting, amusing... Commune with nature...
That's the Sweepstakes, a 120' coal schooner. Been there (Lake Huron) for almost 140 years.
Tesla tester road?
Answer above and you don't win.
The "Chutes and Ladders" are at Tacoma's free Point Defiance Park.
The "Chutes and Ladders" is cool, but they clearly didn't invite the mountain bikers to the table when planning this installation, as evidenced by the desire path in the middle between the steps and slides.