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7/25/2024 7:34 am  #1

USA election

Hithe other day I was bored my Good Lady had decided to go clothes shopping and as I am a hindrance rather than a help (her words) decided to go on her own and I was left to my own devices at home. So at a loose end I thought I’d watch some TV and as I have satellite TV I have about 200 odd channels of shit to choose from, so I was bouncing around the channels and came to the religious ones and started looking at them for a laugh. Now if you’re that way inclined and have a faith this is not a poke at you but I started to watch a channel called Loveworld UK which is a US channel as Loveworld USA cloned for UK consumption. It has a guy preaching called Pastor Chris and at the time he was going on about Revelations and bible prophecy and was banging on about the “Woman in Purple” in revelation scripture. Now I had no idea what he was on about so I had a look on my tablet to see what he was on about and they started showing pictures of Kamala Harris dressed in purple clothes and how she was this person quoted in revelations, now this Pastor Chris was very sure that she was this nasty entity and if you look at the actual description in scripture she is not a very nice person. So it leaves me with this questions How can the get away with this shit without getting their arse sued off them. ?Is it because she is a politician she’s fair game for any shit they want to throw at her.? If anyone reads the scripture the woman described is the “Woman in Purple and Scarlet”, they missed out the scarlet part so quoting scripture incorrectly to suit their end game. How big or wide is their fan base and will their congregation vote according to what Paster Chris says I’m assuming he’s not a democrat It was a very strange thing to watch.


7/25/2024 8:40 am  #2

Re: USA election

Politicians are largely fair game, but more importantly religions are in many ways legally and in additional ways de facto immune to legal ramifications.  Legally, a church that starts naming politicians can lose its tax exempt status, but nobody's willing to kick that hornet's nest.

That aside, I don't think that saying that stuff should open one up to stuff like defamation lawsuits, unless some of the "evidence" he gave was malicious lies, since whether someone is actually someone from religious prophecy is purely a matter of opinion, but I do wish that the tax exemptions were stripped more easily and frequently.

|_______________| We live in the nick of times.
|  Len 17, Wid 3      |

7/25/2024 11:35 am  #3

Re: USA election

You have assumed people are thinking logically.  That all disappeared when blogs and other disinformation sources targeted the minds of adult children.

For example, Sinclair broadcasting long required their TV stations to read editorials from their ring wing corporate officers.  They now order all 185 TV stations to report, on the local news, any story written (invented) in the corporate office.  Even if intentionally false.   One report, read word for word by all Sinclair broadcasting stations, said Biden soiled himself in a political rally.   Does not matter if false.  That is all quite legal now that people will automatically believe whatever makes them angry or empowered.  The target market is adults who are still children.  And it works quite well.

A man brags that he can kill someone on Fifth Ave.  Is proven in court to have raped women.  Has cheated on every wife.  Trades them in for a new model about every ten years (notice Melanie is no longer seen). Lies repeatedly.  Covets thy neighbor's goods.  Has defaulted on loans to every major bank.  Insults and demeans people - routinely.  Demonstrates racism and misogyny.  Is loved by the KKK, White Supremacists, and Nazis because he promotes hate.  Never goes to church.  Loves despots such as Putin and Kim. Even believes them over Americans.  Has stated contempt for democracy.  Brags how he never pays taxes.  Routinely defaulted on payments to contractors.  And is admired by evangelical Christians?  For doing what would otherwise get him excommunicated from any church.

How dumb must one be to become a brainwashed disciple of a religion?  They cannot even see he is their anti-Christ?  That is the power that brainwashing has over adults who are still children.  Who let religion replace all logical thought.

Disinformation is not only legal.  It is appreciated by the most religious.  Who intetionally ignore Ten Commandments when ordered to by their religion.

Last edited by tw (7/25/2024 11:37 am)


7/25/2024 3:33 pm  #4

Re: USA election

Happy Monkey wrote:

Legally, a church that starts naming politicians can lose its tax exempt status, but nobody's willing to kick that hornet's nest. 

This, this, a thousand times this.

As someone who attends church services regularly and is very involved in his church, is really bothers me when other churches blatantly break this rule and get away with it. I wish the IRS would come after them.


7/25/2024 8:11 pm  #5

Re: USA election

That doesn’t seem likely unless there’s an underlying outside influence. With the prohibition of political intervention provided by the Johnson Amendment (passed in 1954) to the US tax code, the government’s main concern was unaccounted money being put into political action via religious organizations. Removing their tax exempt status would let everyone know that the religious organization, which doesn’t have to report its income, was questionable as it could be taking money from other domestic or foreign special interests groups (including criminal elements) to illegally influence elections. It was to keep churches from becoming unregulated super PACs. Churches that become politically active without straying financially aren’t really on the IRS’s radar since the technology for monitoring that has improved dramatically and too many legal challenges can be made around equity in application without an underlying outside influence.



7/26/2024 7:08 pm  #6

Re: USA election

unfortunately there is no reciprocal for the first amendment
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

7/27/2024 7:09 am  #7

Re: USA election

"My beautiful Christians"

Thankfully that whole voting thing will be behind us.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

7/27/2024 11:16 am  #8

Re: USA election

For I am the Kwisatz Haderach! - The Donald


7/27/2024 12:25 pm  #9

Re: USA election

Donald Trump What a fucking idiot.

I Love my country, I fear the government.

7/27/2024 1:24 pm  #10

Re: USA election

Unfortunately you did not say why.  From so many examples, you, could not cite one?

Choice overload describes how, when given more options to choose from, people tend to have a harder time deciding, are less satisfied with their choice, and are more likely to experience regret.


7/27/2024 5:57 pm  #11

Re: USA election

The video above is all I needed to hear that Donald Trump, is an idiot, and if you don't see that. I won't say what I want to.

I Love my country, I fear the government.

7/27/2024 8:04 pm  #12

Re: USA election

One solution to choice overload.  Let someone else do it.

Or put the over 100 reasons into a Bingo cage.  Randomly let each reason fall out one at a time.  Until someone cried 'Bingo' in November.

B for Bannon on a Bingo card square labeled Himmler.  Then it is only a game.  Not the destruction of democracy.


8/11/2024 10:49 am  #13

Re: USA election

A notable development in national security, former congresswoman, previous presidential candidate, current National Guard Lieutenant Colonel and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard says she's been placed on the "Quiet Skies" terrorist watch list for flying. From what I gather, she inquired about herself and immediate family members being subjected to increased TSA security screening measures. Sky Marshals Service whistleblowers purportedly informed her she was added to the list.

Tulsi Gabbard noted the action quickly followed a televised interview in which she heavily criticized Kamala Harris and admonished against Harris as president. Gabbard believes it to be political retaliation. Members of Congress are questioning the TSA. It'll be interesting to see whether or not she was targeted: if so, was there justification and (either way) at what level the decision was made.  


8/25/2024 9:45 am  #14

Re: USA election

That'll teach her not the criticize the boss. 

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

8/25/2024 10:46 am  #15

Re: USA election

Oh, she wasn't criticizing Bruce Springsteen.

(President Barack Obama said about Springsteen: I'm the president, but he's the boss.


8/25/2024 2:27 pm  #16

Re: USA election

Anon wrote:

(President Barack Obama said about Springsteen: I'm the president, but he's the boss.

Does that mean when he leaved Philadelphia this weekend, then he will sell it?  How much is Philadelphia really worth?  Is the sale tax exempt?



8/25/2024 6:28 pm  #17

Re: USA election

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, EPA, FBI, DEA, CDC, or FDIC. These statements are not intended to diagnose, cause, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you feel you have been harmed/offended by, or, disagree with any of the above statements or images, please feel free to fuck right off.

8/25/2024 9:28 pm  #18

Re: USA election

TheNeverWas wrote:

Couldn't agree more.


8/25/2024 10:52 pm  #19

Re: USA election

Maybe it’s a reference to the Obama-Springsteen collaboration and Springsteen, who sang Streets of Philadelphia for the movie Philadelphia, selling his music catalogue to Sony for $500 million.

That’s all I got.


8/26/2024 6:08 am  #20

Re: USA election

I say let the mystery be. It's a long boat ride to Hawaii but maybe they're done with her.

So is the Trump / RFK ticket happening? The Batman villain narrative is strong with RFK the environmental lawyer gets a brain worm from being a dirty hippy and joins the fossil fuel crowd, seems like a beautiful bigly move at this stage.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

8/26/2024 10:47 am  #21

Re: USA election

Anon wrote:

Maybe it’s a reference to the Obama-Springsteen collaboration

The boss owned Philadelphia.  With sold out concerts in the big stadium.  Apparently constant news reports from the so many reporters - Springsteen fans - don't get out of Philly.


8/26/2024 10:53 am  #22

Re: USA election

Trump constantly demeaned and disparaged RFK until this week.  And like most everyone in his old administration, he will derogate Kennedy later.  Trump always does that.  Uses people and then burns them.

Relevant question.  Who has he not scorned and harmed?.  Even his wife, Jared, and Ivanka no longer appear on the campaign trail.  He is about to trade in Melanie for a newer model.


8/26/2024 5:43 pm  #23

Re: USA election

Tushi Gabbard, a former Democrat, has now endorsed Trump.
I wonder why? (rhetorical):



8/27/2024 6:32 am  #24

Re: USA election

This election cycle is sorting out by pro-Putin, Erdoğan, Orban authoritarians vs the supporters of liberal democracy. There are inconvenient alliances on both sides like the neo-liberals trying to stay relevant, but in general terms it's modernity vs strongmen. Harris has the advantage of hopeful messaging while Trump continues with his fatalism shtick. Rural America is dying which helps his message but he doesn't have a cure for that. Walz should be able to improve Dems conversation with rural America.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

9/17/2024 6:18 am  #25

Re: USA election

Vance is continuing to throw fuel on the anti-immigrant fire.Targeting the underdogs won't play out well for him. This is America after all. They could have a nuanced conversation about numbers and costs but Maga prefers open racism.


“If the path to prosperity was flooding your nation with low-wage immigrants, then Springfield, Ohio, would be the most prosperous country- the most prosperous city in the world,” Vance said in a CNBC appearance yesterday. “America would be the most prosperous country in the world, because Kamala Harris has flooded the country with 25 million illegal aliens.”

“Which makes me wonder, what country does J.D. Vance think is the most prosperous country in the world, since he doesn’t think it’s America?” Buttigieg retorted on CNN later the same day. “And also, does he really think that immigration has nothing to do with American prosperity?”

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

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