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4/19/2023 2:26 am  #1


Umberto Eco was born in Italy in 1932 so grew up watching the Italian fascists and German fascists do their thing.

 Ur-Fascism is the cult of tradition. 
1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
8. The humiliation by the wealth and force of their enemies. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”
From his description it seems we might have some here in the land of the free and home of the brave.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

4/19/2023 6:20 am  #2

Re: Ur-Fascism

A little to close to home.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

4/19/2023 7:20 am  #3

Re: Ur-Fascism

Sounds like "Lord of the Flies."


4/19/2023 6:10 pm  #4

Re: Ur-Fascism

Sounds like Fox news

Hey! That's me up there!

11/05/2024 6:09 pm  #5

Re: Ur-Fascism

I want to know more about this threat of socialism. Could you name one socialist politician who has been elected in American politics in the last 50 years?

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

11/06/2024 11:55 am  #6

Re: Ur-Fascism

I didn't have any socialist candidates on my ballot. What state are you in?

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

11/06/2024 8:30 pm  #7

Re: Ur-Fascism

IC wrote:

Anytime Socialism has been permitted to run the state, death and economic dysfunction have ensued.   

It is socialism in France.  Not as exotic as done in Russia.  In Russia, when socialism failed, then communism took over.

Socialism is everyone shares in the wealth.  When socialism breaks down, then communism is everyone works to enrich the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Fascism is similar to communism.  It also must deceive the masses so that the Central Committee prospers.  Both need a free press suppressed.

Every country has some variation of socialism.  Some work better than others.  Socialism appears to work best when dominated by free market forces.  So both France and the US (at different times) were the most productive nations in the world since WWII.  US mostly.  France for a short period.

The state of euphoria is also called the state of utopia.

Last edited by tw (11/06/2024 8:32 pm)


11/21/2024 7:35 am  #8

Re: Ur-Fascism

I would suggest that it's right in front of us and feels too real to get hung up on definitions. Choosing when and how to respond is tricky because someone's core supporters thrive on conflict over the small deniable stuff but the project continues.

Pete Hegseth's Plan To Create A Christian Nationalist 'Educational Insurgency' on Vimeo


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/21/2024 10:32 am  #9

Re: Ur-Fascism

IC wrote:

Neither are the Scandanavian countries, which have some other "socialized" elements, but have competing political parties, democratic elections, and markets that are, in many ways, more open than those in the US.   

In socialism, there are political parties, democratic elections, and markets,  When those do not exist, that is the corruption of socialism.  Also called communism.  Extremists have changed their definition of socialism to 'Qnon manipulate' the many who wait to be told what to think.

No, Socialism -- as we see in every case -- is a system by which the ordinary citizen is impoverished and oppressed, while a Socialist elite and party insiders live lavishly at the public expense.  There is not one example where what you have suggested has happened.

ou have just described when socialism breaks down into communism.  Communism is intentionally confused with socialism.  A mantra that extremists are promoting to create fear.  Since Qnon type fear easily converts the less educated in Nazi like believers.

Communism is everyone works to enrich the Central Committer of the Communist Party.  Socialism never does that.  Definition of socialism make that obvious.  But if one is brainwashed by Qnon or by Communism hyperbole, then one is ordered to believe that communism is socialism.  Are told they are prospering because the party will provide everything.  The party orders everyone to believe a lie - that it is somehow socialism.

Same lies are being promoted in America to also promote hate.  Communism and socialism are two completely different concepts.  Socialism is more apparent in France and Scandinavia.  In socialism, people pay massive more taxes (compared to Americans) and get more benefits.   None of 'real world' socialism is related to dictatorships that are called communism.

The book "Animal Farm" makes it obvious.  Clearly you did not read it.  But worse, recited is what extremists are ordering everyone to believe.

"socialized" elements cannot pay for themselves.

Total nonsense. Socialized medicine in those more socialistic countries and in Britain do pay for themselves.  Paid for by higher taxes.

In America, only the most naive think American taxes are high.  But again, disinformation only comes from extremist myths.  Americans pay lowest taxes in the western world.

Communism means no democracy, no markets, and only one party.  Socialism is not that.  Except where extremist rhetoric now targets the most naive with new spin.


11/21/2024 11:50 am  #10

Re: Ur-Fascism

Well IC, is that all you have?


11/22/2024 11:37 am  #11

Re: Ur-Fascism

Spare us.


11/22/2024 4:04 pm  #12

Re: Ur-Fascism

IC wrote:

griff wrote:

I would suggest that it's right in front of us...

Sorry, griff...what's "in front of us"?  I'm not clear on the subject of that line.  I don't want to misunderstand you, so I don't quite know how to reply yet.  Can you clear that up?

The current GOP big tent includes right wing populist authoritarians, an ideology by any other name would still be illiberal. 

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/23/2024 9:34 am  #13

Re: Ur-Fascism

"Stand back and stand by."
"It will be wild"

Paranoia? My personal reaction is profound disappointment.


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/23/2024 10:49 am  #14

Re: Ur-Fascism

I am disappointed in you.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/24/2024 11:55 am  #15

Re: Ur-Fascism

IC: Tell us a little about yourself.


11/24/2024 2:37 pm  #16

Re: Ur-Fascism

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/24/2024 5:14 pm  #17

Re: Ur-Fascism

Sorry dude, I’m on a strict no trolls diet. You are not adding any value so I posted some links to basic ideas which someone as dumb as you’re pretending to be would apparently have never confronted.

“Hungary’s key lesson is you don’t protect democracy by talking about democracy — you protect democracy by protecting people. Only a democracy that works for the people is sustainable.”


“That’s why labeling Trump and Orbán and their supporters as moral degenerates, or even Nazis, is tactically dysfunctional. Some of their voters are hardcore racists, but many aren’t. In fact, one of the often-neglected powers of successful radical right populists is their capacity to bring together a broad group of disillusioned voters.“

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/24/2024 6:59 pm  #18

Re: Ur-Fascism


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/24/2024 9:00 pm  #19

Re: Ur-Fascism


11/27/2024 7:40 am  #20

Re: Ur-Fascism

IC wrote:

Diaphone Jim wrote:

IC: Tell us a little about yourself.


As you've probably noticed, this place is currently running on life support. Once a thriving community, we suicided over political differences. We had a long run at our old site by "keeping it real". It was pretty protective but didn't hold up in the modern disinformation environment. Being forthcoming about our backgrounds and sharing actual life victories and difficulties makes us less likely to abuse each other. The few folks who check in these days tend to be older and remember the "before times" when the internet was useful and hopeful. Now that it's largely under corporate control and awash in corporate and government propaganda, the desire to keep pushing back every time a voice we don't know rehashes the old arguments just isn't there. Except for tw because he is always tw.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

11/27/2024 8:44 am  #21

Re: Ur-Fascism

griff wrote:


griff wrote:

…the desire to keep pushing back every time a voice we don't know rehashes the old arguments just isn't there. …

I’m glad the second quote above clarified that first quote; ‘cause, I thought you might be pregnant.


11/27/2024 12:58 pm  #22

Re: Ur-Fascism

What type education?  And both in America and elsewhere?  How do they compare?  Students?  Administration?  What is taught?

Last edited by tw (11/30/2024 9:51 am)


11/29/2024 10:24 am  #23

Re: Ur-Fascism

It was a simple question.  Asking for knowledge and perspective.  Why then did you take a defensive attitude?  Refuse to contribute useful facts and experience?  Nothing in that question is a threat to your person.  The question is the purpose here.  To provide new facts and what may be a new viewpoint.



11/29/2024 11:06 am  #24

Re: Ur-Fascism



11/29/2024 12:54 pm  #25

Re: Ur-Fascism

"Some are intimidated by credentials or experience."
I am willing to take that chance. Then I'll have a reason not to read your posts anymore.


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