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1/09/2025 5:21 pm  #1

Condemned are the Peace Makers

Blessed be the peace makers.  For they are the punished ones.

Amwar Sadat and Menachem Begin were murdered.  Carter was voted out.

Gorbachev was disposed in a coup.  Rescued by Yeltsin.

King was murdered in Memphis.  Kennedy and Krushchev were also deposed after averting nuclear war.

Mahatma Gandhi murdered.  John Lennon murdered.  Abraham Lincoln murdered.

Janet Lee Stevens, who reported on the Sabra-Shatilla massacre, killed in an American embassy.  Ordered by Ariel Sharon.  Witnessed from a nearby building by Israeli Generals Sharon, Rafael Eytan, and Amos Yaron.

Elie Hobeika, a Lebanese who witnessed the massacre with them, was mysteriously murdered after he agreed to testify against Ariel Sharon in an Isreali inquiry.

Or tens of thousands of patriotic Americans who accurately identified America as the evil party in Vietnam.  Were then attacked by 33,000 police and National Guardsmen under orders from Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.  Declaring "The whole world is watching" while a 'police riot' attacked them.

Or the Freedom Riders throughout 1960s America.  How many died as unknowns?



1/09/2025 6:30 pm  #2

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

ONCE UPON A TIME, everyone was engrossed in a world full of conflicts. Then one day, peace broke out! People were beside themselves and soon became bored stiff. They fought like hell to get back to their world full of conflicts and vowed to never again let peace break out. They all lived unhappily ever after; but, at least they weren’t bored. THE END.


1/10/2025 5:11 pm  #3

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

George Sr, when president, noted that no wars were ongoing anywhere in the world.  So we voted him out.

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1/11/2025 10:58 am  #4

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

Well, it’s not like George Sr. didn’t try. He invaded Panama and oversaw the first Gulf War to remove Iraqis from Kuwait. He just didn’t keep it going long enough and people got bored again (his son had to finish the job later).  Everyone figured that if they couldn’t have ongoing conflicts for awhile, during the meantime, they were at least entitled to some sex scandals with which to relieve their boredom…  so they voted-in Clinton since he was a natural.


1/11/2025 3:01 pm  #5

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

Extremists in George Sr's administration were so dumb.  Doing what anyone dumb would do.  So anti-American as to say we cannot rescue one ally and protect another.  Margaret Thatcher finally told George Sr what his only (extremist) advisors were incapable to saying.  Saying and I quote, "George, this will not stand."

George Sr accurately stated a fact.  The objective in Desert Storm was the liberation of Kuwait.  Unfortunately dumb extremists did not want Schwarzkopf to finish the strategic objective.  Called off the war without letting the 101 Airborne complete their mission.  Because they were extremists and therefore dumb.

Worse, those extremists did not do their job.  Failed to learn what is important.  When Schwarzkopf went to accept Iraq's surrender, he then asked for requirements of Iraq's surrender.  Dumb Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feith, and Wolfowitz did not do their jobs.  So Schwarzkopf made up those conditions at the table.  Made some serious mistakes.

George Sr encouraged Iraqis to take back their country.  Then Saddam's fully intact Republican guard, complete with 'free to fly' helicopters, probably massacred 10,000 or 20,000 resident in Basara alone.  With the US Army only five miles away.  As was permitted because extremists in George Sr''s administration failed to do their job.

Well, Clinton eventually solved the problem.  In doing so, he used up our entire stock of cruise missiles.

Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc were going down in history as having protected Saddam.  Being extremists (and dumb) they even tried to blame Saddam for the WTC.  Invented lies such as Saddam's WMDs.  Were actually conducting military air strikes against Iraq for about 1 year before the Mission Accomplished war. Had to invent a war to undo their mistake - they having protected Saddam.  Being dumb, they screw up the entire Afghanistan war.  Being dumb, said "America does not do nation building."  Resulting in American disasters in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

George Jr finally realized he was going down into history as a worst president.  In his fifth year, he finally started asking for facts on both Afghanistan and Iraq. American generals were suddenly shocked with so many White House requests for reports.   George Jr discovered American extremists (anti-Americans) so screwed up both wars.  Then George Jr discovered Gen Petraeus.  Who accurately said what we must do.  Was ousted to the war college.  While other generals were promoted to the Pentagon.  George Jr learned too late. Learned well proven facts even found in the book "Art of War".

Both Iraq and Afghanistan are American disasters.  Directly traceable to Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.  George Jr learned that when he also started ignoring Cheney and started demanding reports directly from all Generals.  To late.  But at least he finally tried.  Smartly and completely ignored VP Cheney.  Fired Rumsfeld - because he was also dumb - also a problem.

Colin Powell tried to tell George Jr reality.  So many extremists would demean and mock Powell.  Condi Rice also knew who was the problem.  But kept her mouth shut.  So she survived.

All should know this history.  George Jr earned a bad rap because his people were extremists - and therefore both anti-American and dumb.  Why did we waste 5,000 American lives and $3 trillion dollars?  Cheney said it best.  "Reagan proved that deficient don't matter."  Obviously what any extremist would say.  Threw money at a problem.  Rather than learn he was the problem.

747s filled end to end with pallets of $100 bills.  Cheney et al did that even without any accounting for the money.  Why do so many not know (learn) all this?  All well documented as it happened.

Last edited by tw (1/11/2025 3:11 pm)

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1/12/2025 11:59 am  #6

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

tw wrote:

… George Jr earned a bad rap…

I’ll admit that the George Jr. rap wasn’t all that great. Still, even a bad rap is probably better than no rap at all.



1/12/2025 7:41 pm  #7

Re: Condemned are the Peace Makers

George Jr is blamed.  He did not make decisions.

For example, he was sitting in a tiny chair in a Florida classroom when Andy Card whispers in his ear,  “A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.” 

What did George Jr do?  He waited for Cheney, et al to tell him what to do.

Eventually a Secret Service agent took charge.  Saying everyone back to Air Force One now.  Decide what to do when we are in the air.  Is that a leader?  Of course not.  George Jr was simply a front man for extremists.  Who could not make a single decision that day.

Did anyone in the George Jr administration ground all planes?  Of course not.  They were extremists.  The administrator, only 1 week on the job in Washington Air Traffic control, without power or permission, ordered all planes in the country grounded. Nobody in the George Jr administration even tried.  As made obvious by what Generals in Rome NY discovered.  The 911 Commission bluntly makes that point.

Because he did that, he requested his entire testimony before the 911 Commission to be held in secret.  Since extremist attack moderates who make tough decisions.   Rather than address the issue.  Apparently he learned from Boisjoly who described why seven Challenger astronauts were murdered.

Extremists are extremists because their emotions (not facts) justify conclusions.

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