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1/02/2025 1:33 pm  #51

Re: CEO Guy

Anon wrote:

glatt wrote:

…one of the requirements is that insurance companies must spend at least 80% of their premium income on medical claims, with the remaining 20% allowed for administrative costs and profit; …All this CEO was doing was trying to get as close as possible to that 80% threshold instead of being up around 90% or so.

What if 80% of their premium income doesn’t cover all of the medical claims? They have to either increase their premiums or reduce the amount they pay for claims. Increasing premiums may cause them to lose market shares and consequently lose investors. Reducing the amount they pay for claims can be done by reductions across the board resulting in many disgruntled customers or they can cause fewer disgruntled customers by entirely denying selected claims.

I think they were aiming to spend exactly 80% and not one cent more, as 80% was defined as the requirement, only a "beta cuck" would spend 81%.

If the service they're supposed to be providing requires 81% expenditure, too bad for the dumb, dead Americans. Freedom isn't free.. or something.

The problem with running healthcare as a business is that no matter how many layers of regulation you pile on, the industry will find a way to weasel out of it. If Healthcare is treated as a human right, covered by Article I of the Constitution (collecting taxes for the general welfare), then we could define our goal as "providing healthcare" instead of the current "make shareholders of corporations as happy as possible while providing exactly as much healthcare as 80% of premiums can provide"

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

1/02/2025 3:33 pm  #52

Re: CEO Guy

Missing is a relavant point.  The attacker was disgruntled because he wanted a solution that responsible surgeons will not do.  When he finally got the defective treatment, it left him with pain.  So he blamed the insurance industry?  And not himself?


1/02/2025 4:38 pm  #53

Re: CEO Guy

I'm sure this is a great point.

Your point is addressed to the millions of Americans who celebrate him as a folk hero. I'm not arguing on their behalf, I'm just arguing that they exist.

This is, like John Oliver said, "arguing whether hats exist"

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

1/03/2025 11:47 am  #54

Re: CEO Guy

Demonstrated is WHY they exist.  So anti-American as to make a conclusion only from a tweet.  Not bothering to learn critical facts BEFORE making a conclusion.

Similar anti-Americans had contempt for the American servicemen in Mission Accomplished.  Could not bother to learn facts and numbers before automatically knowing Saddam had WMDs.

Which is, BTW, why many nations today do not trust the US.  So many examples.  Guantanamo.  Almost everyone (over 800) held there were eventually released as innocent.  How many so hated America as to also not learn that.  And the extremist's (obvious) contempt for laws, civil rights, and the Constitution.  And a love of torture (as any good Gestapo lover would approve).

One is always suppose to learn facts long before having a conclusion, opinion, or emotion.  Clearly many did not learn how demented he was.  Then made conclusion only from emotion.  As any good anti-American would do.


1/04/2025 11:00 am  #55

Re: CEO Guy

Same mindset applies to a truck driver who intentionally killed 14 people in New Orleans.  He was also driven only by emotions - like any child.  He foolishly killed because his god was so demented as to be incapable of killing non-believers.  So he must do what his god could not?

Also an adult thinking like a child.  Using emotions (in this case his religion) to make decisions.  An adult knows his religion is a relationship only between himself and his god.  It has no relevance to anyone else - if one is thinking as an adult.

He was a child just like rioters in Washington on 6 January.  Who were also so demented (extremist) as to only believe what they were ordered by their religion to believe.  Religion?  What is the difference between the New Orleans truck driver, Washington rioters, and the murderer of a CEO?  They are all adult thinking like children.  Easily manipulated by a bully on a playground.  Cannot think logically for themselves. 


1/04/2025 11:20 am  #56

Re: CEO Guy


I Love my country, I fear the government.

1/12/2025 8:21 pm  #57

Re: CEO Guy

People on TikTok have been reporting that they get contacted by the FBI when they talk about the CEO guy.  It's worked.  The internet chatter is way down.  Wet blankets.


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