The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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12/21/2020 3:41 am  #1

Share your festive lights and decorations!

chez Limey, after dark


Living life on the edge.

12/21/2020 7:12 am  #2

Re: Share your festive lights and decorations!


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

12/21/2020 7:22 am  #3

Re: Share your festive lights and decorations!

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

12/21/2020 10:39 am  #4

Re: Share your festive lights and decorations!

still awaiting a tree topper which is rumored to be a family craft project some time this week.  I think more tiny baubles/glass balls have bee added since then

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

12/21/2020 10:44 am  #5

Re: Share your festive lights and decorations!

Nice trees, guys!

Living life on the edge.
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