Lol. Almost no one.
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Herding dogs seem to usually be closet retrievers, loving especially to chase Frisbees. I worry about their fixation sometimes, though.
Unless those are its dinner bowls.
Those are two frisbees which he had misplaced outside but managed to find just before winter hit. In that position he can monitor both his disks and the door in case of UPS incursion. We are well monitored here.
He can get stuck on stuff but he isn't as crazy as some borders I've seen. He doesn't spend his days escaping and destroying.
It's the ski people, they prayed for this.
I'm snowed in but they're saying ¾" of rain and 63° on Thursday... I'll wait.
7:28 am to 4:36 pm
The days will get longer from here!
griff wrote:
7:28 am to 4:36 pm
The days will get longer from here!
8.55 am to 3.47 pm here. No chance of seeing the conjunction of planets here, it's cloudy and rainy.
Getting the Hidradenitis Suppurativa cyst on my leg lanced.
I am so chuffed ....all christmas diners cleared their plates entirely like empty. We are a family of fusspots and over-servers but.... :D
I was not the chef of the family until recently, I do not enjoy cooking, we have one visitor who is used to southern US cuisine...... *gringringrin* There's only a bit of roast beef left and it was a 3lb joint for 5 people.....
No leftovers are the best leftovers.
monster wrote:
I am so chuffed ....all christmas diners cleared their plates entirely
like empty. We are a family of fusspots and over-servers but.... :D
I was not the chef of the family until recently, I do not enjoy cooking, we have one visitor who is used to southern US cuisine...... *gringringrin* There's only a bit of roast beef left and it was a 3lb joint for 5 people.....
No leftovers?! But what are you going to eat on Boxing Day?
There's a fight on? ;)
Limey wrote:
monster wrote:
I am so chuffed ....all christmas diners cleared their plates entirely
like empty. We are a family of fusspots and over-servers but.... :D
I was not the chef of the family until recently, I do not enjoy cooking, we have one visitor who is used to southern US cuisine...... *gringringrin* There's only a bit of roast beef left and it was a 3lb joint for 5 people.....No leftovers?! But what are you going to eat on Boxing Day?
We have plenty of leftovers.
sure was......
griff wrote:
There's a fight on? ;)
Ha! Keep your left up.
griff wrote:
Ha! Keep your left up.
too late
Last edited by monster (12/26/2020 4:52 pm)
Lost my internet, cell, and landlines due to the bombing in Nastyville on Christmas day.
Got urrthang back this am.
Last edited by Gravdigr (12/27/2020 2:33 pm)
"We must love each other or die."
Sounds about right.
BigV wrote:
"We must love each other or die."
Sounds about right.
Even Sexobon?
Got a letter from my Health Insurance company which had a new ID card glued to the back with that snot like stretchy glue.
The card was cut wrong cutting off most of the bottom line. Then I noticed the printed line at the end of the letter.
We're her for you. That's good for me and lesbians but what do they tell others.
Are the screwed up card and this letter the result of working remotely? If so keep doing it because I can use the chuckles.
Seems like the most important phrase there is "operated locally."
I started doing yoga again. It's been several years. Since I completed my siding project I've been pretty sedentary and watching my muscles disappear like snowflakes on a wood stove. I didn't have much to begin with apart from my biking legs and even they are shadows of them selves former.
It's day four of a 30 day challenge; Yoga with Adriene. She's a bit quirky and perky but I don't really think she's as clear at explaining the postures as other teachers I've had. Ex: "extend the leg" vs. "slide your leg back." I'm sure as Ilearn the postures it will be easier and I won't have to look at the screen.
Apparently my core is such a chump that even the simple postures that involve the abs or stomach in the most peripheral way make me nauseous. Each day gets a little better.
We'll see how things are on day 30.
Last edited by footfootfoot (1/04/2021 3:25 pm)
That's most excellent. Well done!
I really need to do something similar. Covid lockdown is taking my fitness from me as well. I had exercise built into my life in the before time, and not so much now. It's an afterthought. My commute used to include 2 miles of walking each day, and now it's literally like 10 feet.
I suck at consistency, especially when it comes to exercise. As grueling as it was sometimes, I got my best exercise when I had no car and was commuting form Burlington to Waterbury back in my mid 20s. About 32 miles each way. From the waist down I was shredded but only because I had to ride. If only part of my commute had involved monkey bars...
I bet you are probably pretty good at consistency and so it wouldn't be too tough to carve out 30 minutes a day for something.
Last edited by footfootfoot (1/04/2021 3:43 pm)
My new gig is close to home. So, my commute is six or seven minutes. The driving part, that is. Once I park, it's another twenty minutes by foot, if I hustle. And the same on the return, of course. And the jobsite is big, 179 acres according to Wikipedia. No bike riding allowed (on site, biking there and back, no problem. well, they put the site down at sea level and I live a few hundred feet higher, so, there's that). I am *definitely* getting my steps in. Built in consistency, which is nice.