The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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1/05/2021 11:52 am  #1

Kaleidoscope construction rabbit hole that reminded me of Happy Monkey


It's not so much an assortment of Oooh and Aaah but a very thorough overview of how changing mirror configuration (angle, ratio of length to width, # of mirrors, etc.) affects the image. The images are kind of small so the takeaway is that it's mostly academic, but a hell of a rabbit hole. I fear he may have other tunnels in that warren of a website.

EDIT: Holy crap. You could literally spend the rest of your life on this guy's site. Not saying you'd want to but one could.

Last edited by footfootfoot (1/05/2021 11:54 am)

Hey! That's me up there!

1/05/2021 12:02 pm  #2

Re: Kaleidoscope construction rabbit hole that reminded me of Happy Monkey

That is pretty cool

|_______________| We live in the nick of times.
|  Len 17, Wid 3      |

1/06/2021 7:38 am  #3

Re: Kaleidoscope construction rabbit hole that reminded me of Happy Monkey

That site should come with a warning. Leave a trail of bread crumbs.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

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