Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all suspended Donald Trump's accounts. All three said he was inciting violence as the Washington Capitol was overrun. He even thanked his wackos for what they did before asking them to leave.
This is quite rare that social media does such censorship of disinfomration, hate, and violence. But in this case, the decision was a no brainer. A delusional president will not be permitted access until maybe the afternoon of 7 Jan.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense were reported in discussions as to whether the American military can attack another nation only on this president's order. Same discussion was conducted when Nixon's Sec of Defense and that Chief suspected Nixon might not be sane. The Chairman, then, was ordered to ignore any Nixon orders until Melvin Laird approved it. An example of access to the other internet.
Last edited by tw (1/06/2021 11:30 pm)
As usual, an extremist (and therefore an anti-American) will ignore who incited the violence to subvert the Constitution and the Unites States government. And since he is an extremist, he will even deny extremist brainwashing tried to do that.
Same concepts held by same adults, who are still children, also created 1930 Germany. But that means one thnks logically like an adult. Extremists will even deny those parallels. Trump even praises such anti-Americans. Because it gives the dulusional president power. And power, just like with Hitler, is the only thing that matters to bullies.
Last edited by tw (1/07/2021 9:32 am)
Grandfather wrote:
I see you're still upset because you weren't notable enough to get on Trump's list. IIRC, you couldn't get on Dubya's, H. Dubya's, Reagan's, Ford's, or Nixon's list either. Well, keep working at it and maybe someday you'll amount to something.
Hey! Maybe you can get on henry_quirk's list. There may be a small monthly fee involved; but, I bet he would give you a Cellar dwellar discount and do a cracker jack job of maintaining whatever list he puts you on.
Really, consider it. You ain't no spring chicken. Who knows if you'll get another chance before you don't even know what a list is anymore.Diaphone Jim wrote:
Sexobon by any other name...
I only have legit threats on my list
tw isn't on my list
he can audition, if he likes
henry_quirk wrote:
he can audition, if he likes
Hopefully I don't have to sing. I don't make a good looking canary.
85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management. What do we now learn from the internet and all other sources? The Federal Government has been lying about how many Covid-19 vaccines will be provided. So many state Governors are now openly citing incompetence in the Federal Government - especially where civil service people have been replaced by Trump political loyalists.
We know they will be incompetent. Everything is justified by political and emotional biases. And not what defines a patriotic American. Moderates. Someone who knows only after first learning facts. Who comes from where the work gets done.
Trump's entire life has been to lie. To make him look good. And then blame others (even mythical antifa - why not also blame the Jews) for all problems. Who would do that?
How many are brainwashed by his lies? Signal and Telegraph are now reporting tens of millions of Americans signing up for access to their websites. Because the rot in America (Nazis, White Supremacist, KKK, adults who still think like children) is that massive. And because they must post honesty - not hate in mainstream media.
So many actually believe the Nazi Alex Jones. Who successfully uses the internet (ie Inforwars) to advocate murders. Because his emotional tirades (and no facts) prove it must be true. Prove, for example, that all those parents with dead children in Sandy Hook Elementary were only actors. Lying works on adults who are children. So many Trump supporters beleive his lies.
Tens of millions are acting no different then Nazis in 1930 Germany. As numbers from the internet suggest. How many realize how bad America has become?
20% of all Republicans say a Riechstag style attack on the US Capitol was a good thing. Yes, America is that full of dangerous Americans. Various numbers (ie 40% to 60% of Republicans) say Trump won a landslide election victory. Brainwashing is that easy on adults who are still children.
Moderates better start paying attention obvious lessons from history. The Internet is demonstrating how evil the American valley has become. Especially in rural areas where radio broadcasts constantly promote hate.
85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management. When the scumbag lies, then 99% are directly traceable to him. Internet numbers are saying how dangerous that mafioso godfather really is. And why extremists are buying assault rifles in mass numbers.
BTW, if not noticed, Europe is doing a major shift away from America; closer to China and the Silk Road. See what Angla Merkel has just done. Europe has had too much of Trump. Even his pusing other national leaders aside so that he can get his picture in the front row.
Europe is beginning to see America as a possible increasing threat. They have good reason. Since so many Americans now think like Timothy McVeigh. Want to 'wreck shit'. Believe the 'Big Lie' that Joseph Goebbels successfully advocated. And used so successfully on the "internet of his time".
How evil is our valley?