I hurt my hand yesterday working in the yard. My mellow is definitely harshed.
We have/had a big pyracantha alongside the house for awhile. It's gone now, but it took awhile to cut the stump flush to the ground. On previous encounters, I'd put some of the cuttings in the yard waste bin, some in the brush pile. Well, one of the branches that had gone into the brush pile was responsible for yesterday's injury. Since it was too long to fit in the truck I decided to cut it with the saw I had in hand. It's a Milwaukee Hackzall M12 version. I fuckin love this saw, the pruning blade makes it the top predator in the yard, in the handheld weight class. But it's important that the prey be immobilized before the killing stroke(s) are administered.
I grabbed the branch and started cutting immediately, but not for very long when I realized that I'd positioned my hand with the point of one of the longest thorns just beyond the second joint of my index finger of the holding hand. Simultaneously applying fully power to the reciprocating saw with my right hand delivering 600 strokes per minute through my glove into the fucking tendon of my right index finger.
Bled through my insulated gloves, now the next morning after, it's still bigger than my thumb and anything more gymnastic than the OK symbol is an exercise in pain.
I. Hate. Pyracantha.
So you gave it two in the belly but forgot one in the head.
Man, I gotta read what I post.
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (12/23/2020 2:50 am)
John Mulaney checked into rehab for cocaine and alcohol, after more than a decade sober. I mean, it's certainly better than the alternative, and good for him for being honest and getting help. Addiction is just a crushingly sad beast, that's all.
Feels antisocial for me to post twice in a row in this thread, but the last one was sad and this one is angry, so I think it counts.
I am unreasonably incensed at our new thermostat (which came attached to a new heater & A/C unit, because our 25-year-old one finally bit the dust.) User Guide clearly says it's programmable; to program it, hit the menu button and select PROG.
Except there is no PROG. I'm not a fucking idiot, I'm not missing anything--when the guy in the patronizing support video on the website hits the button, it says PROG, but when *I* hit the button, it goes right to TIME. I verify a thousand different things, go all through their support FAQ on the website, download a digital copy of the manual for our model number just in case it's somehow different (AND IT IS, BY THE WAY, BUT ONLY BECAUSE THE LINK ON THE WEBSITE IS BROKEN AND GOES TO THE COMPLETELY WRONG MANUAL FOR A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PRODUCT, BUT WHATEVER).
So I try calling their customer service number to talk to a human, where I am informed that my anticipated hold time is one hour. I hang up angrily and google some more.
Finally, in the bowels of a completely separate website for professional installers, I find the answer: it is possible, during initial setup, to put this particular programmable thermostat permanently into non-programmable mode. Why? Who the fuck knows. I get the magic admin key to open the backend (hold the right arrow and the menu button together at the same time for three seconds) and cycle through the 50-ish Super Secret settings until I get to the one that enables the MOST BASIC ADVERTISED FUNCTION OF THE PRODUCT. I don't blame the installers; they'd been working in a hot attic all day and had to enter in 50-ish obscure settings and just hit the button one time too many. I blame the manufacturer for putting something so stupid in their hidden settings to begin with.
Anyway, I fixed it. It's fine now.
I understand and I totally feel the feelings you are feeling.
I'm glad you got it fixed, and I'm sorry that The Thing That Should Not Be existed.
Great job, by the way, tracking down the solution.
Clodfobble wrote:
everything clodfobble posted about that fucking thermostat.
Anyway, I fixed it. It's fine now.
fuck those people.
And fuck the USPS maybe.
AGAIN! my fucking package shows delivered on Monday. This time I didn't even wait the requested 24hrs and started a trace. Fuck them. What really scorches me is that after 72 hours they will respond that they checked their gps and it was actually delivered to wherever the fuck it was delivered to. WHY NOT MAKE THE FUCKING GPS TAG PART OF THE TRACKING INFO?
So, tomorrow I may find out where my - for the past 18 years has been good but since she had a detached retina I'm not so sure she can read anymore - letter carrier actually put my fucking package.
Amazon just issued me a refund for the package that didn't arrive. It was about 20 minutes of trying to get to the chat window after following a bunch of circular dead ends. They don't make it easy. Once you run the gauntlet and get to the chat there is another gauntlet of circular dead ends until you finally get to speak some poor bastard in India. So, refund was issued.
I go outside to get to the basement (don't ask) and on my steps is the missing package from Monday. Someone left it there in the past couple of hours. Not the letter carrier bc she now puts them inside the door. And SHE showed up about a half an hour later with another package.
THEN the USPS calls me in regard to the pissing and moaning I've been doing via their dumbass website with even worse circular dead-ends. They "are very sorry this keeps happening to me" I suspect that my letter carrier is going to get a spanking. I hope it doesn't come back to me, but it probably will. Oh well.
I look at my email and it turns out Amazon has gone on a refunding spree and issued refunds for everything that was in that order despite it being sent in several boxes AND me not asking for refunds for those other items. I try to go to amazon to tell them to claw back my refunds but there is no easy way to to do that. Not an option anywhere. I go to the chat window which was in recent history and try that way but I am met with the circular gauntlet and give up.
I will spend time trying to get my money back but I am less motivated to spend time to help you get YOUR money back.
Whatevs. Merry Xmas all the ones.
If feel you. My UK Amazon packet -box two of two- was due yesterday and when I went to check the progress, it was suddenly marked "undeliverable" returned, refund due within 5 days" box one made it fine last week. Some things in box 1 require the things in box two.........
After quite some time with scripted chat help, the gut suddenly was able to reorder and it's now due on the 28th
offs they've split the new 2nd package into two packages....... and the part that is needed to go with the thing in the first box is not yet dispatched..... and it's something I overpaid for but needs must.....
UK Amazon is a little weird sometime, although it my just be business as usual That I'm unfamiliar with. I only use it for things being delivered over there, nothing coming here I can buy here.
Adventures in shipping. The lad tried to buy lil Pete this chunky knitted blanket, but was concerned when the shipping notice didn't have a tracking number. The package does arrive and the "blanket" is 24" square. lol Refund battle ensues.
Just filed my claim for my FSA and they contacted me and said "I'm not sure why you weren't told but your money was returned to your employer", you had to claim it within two weeks of termination (when I had yet to spend anything). When I was terminated and my card was frozen, I was told "you have to pay out of pocket and then reclaim at the end of the year". so I did and now my money is gone to an employer who no longer exists.....
man, I was hoping the word ass thread died with the old board ;)
I don't think I can get my money now -that bankruptcy is long over. But I'mm'a sure gonna make it hell for the FSA company in the hope they'll pay up to shut me up. I just want what's mine. It didn't belong to my employer.
My mellow is displaced by the stress I'm feeling in the run up to a test I'm taking today. I have been studying for a technical certification, CompTIA Security+, SY0-501. Passing this test is a requirement for employment, so, no pressure. It's a non-trivial test, I've been studying for weeks. Normally, I'd have to take the test at the testing center, specialized room, controlled computers, in person proctors, yadda yadda. But now, in the future, I'm taking the test here at home, while the proctor watches me on my webcam. I'm trying to ride this wave of hyper-vigilance to peak right at test time. Stressing out in the run up to a test is how I've always responded to tests, and then at test time the stress vanishes, "I got what I got" and I take the test.
Right now though, massive cramming, reading flashcards, reviewing, and coffee.
You've done it before and you will do it again.
BigV, BigV, BigV
You can do it.
Go V!
T minus 34 minutes and counting
Entering maximum stress zone
workspace cleared, system test repeated, confirmed adequate, been to the toilet, computer plugged in, phone on DND,
I sincerely appreciate the support of my friends. Thank you.
I have faith in you. Ya got this thing by the gotcha!
Quick update
The test was scheduled to start about twenty minutes ago. I've been frantically preparing for the test, not just studying, but preparing my work area, etc. They let you check in 30 minutes prior to the start of the test. I've run the system test a dozen times, I know how that part works, it's a little sample "test" to verify your computer can do what they need it to do. I decided to check in at T minus twenty.. been to the login page many times, been to the dashboard many times, I kinda know my way around, the familiarity is nice. I decide to enter the testing area and .. weird, wtf. I re read the email, do this do that do the other thing, did'em all. No test. I go back, again, and read for tricks and traps, magic eye style, turns out there's a button called "Begin Test".
So easy, why didn't you say so.
Begin Test, begin test.. .button button, who's got the button. There is NO BEGIN TEST BUTTON ANYWHERE. I disabled all the privacy controls and malware filters on the pages, nothin.
Meanwhile the clock is ticking down to start time and I can't find the starting line. I'm stuck somewhere in the goddamn locker room. They have a very elaborate website (I should note here that at this point I'm dealing with Pearson VUE, they administer tests for LOTS of organizations, not just CompTIA). I'm sure you've had this experience, you are having trouble and you want to talk with someone. But the contact us info is elusive, bordering on pathetic. Why would I need the street address of your global headquarters? My test starts in ONE MINUTE, I'm not going to put quill to parchment and hang it out for the pony express.
Phone number? Ok, turns out they have one, and it's toll free. Yay. for calls from Monday to Friday. JFC.
Oh look, a live chat button. Test was supposed to start one minute ago. Stress level at about mid zombie apocalypse. The agent gets on the ... line? and asks what she can do to help me today. So laggy, I want to take my test please please please. She's so slow, the call and response is glacial. Now what is the email address? What is your registration number? What is your home address? -- All legit questions -- but should be asked all at once at Alvin and the Chipmunks speed. I find the answers, clicking through the tabs I have open and share my bona fides with her.
Well, I have found your appointment for the test, it's scheduled for 10 Jan 2021, 11:15 PM PST, checkin opens at 10:45 PM PST. Is there anything else I can help you with?
*clicks over to the reservation screen on my test confirmation page*
*injures hand facepalming*
Well, you're right, that's on me.
skipping ahead, that same page offers the option to reschedule. Which I do for 12:30 PM, today. By the time I click the confirm button, that appointment is no longer available. Wow. So now, it's pushed back to 1:15 PM today, check in at 12;45.
I passed.
I scored 809 / 900. Passing score was > 750 / 900.
I'm still trying to find documentation of my result.
No longer harshing the mellow then, eh?
Well done!
Yay BigV!!!