In other news that's making me happy today, the gift I ordered from teh internet arrived today! It doesn't appear to be damaged, box intact, though there is a little bit of rattling from inside.
shhh.. .here it is.
Here's one video of many:
BigV wrote:
My new gig is close to home. So, my commute is six or seven minutes. The driving part, that is. Once I park, it's another twenty minutes by foot, if I hustle. And the same on the return, of course. And the jobsite is big, 179 acres according to Wikipedia. No bike riding allowed (on site, biking there and back, no problem. well, they put the site down at sea level and I live a few hundred feet higher, so, there's that). I am *definitely* getting my steps in. Built in consistency, which is nice.
The new gig with all the security hoops to jump through? Bravo!!
Yes, that's the one!
Thank you very much!
New York State classified me 1A, I am scheduled to get my vaccination tonight. Here's hoping...
Sweet! This thing is really happening.
My MIL is scheduled for a little later this month.
I was just pushing my parents this morning to call their doctor to make an appointment when I heard about my MIL. They are also 1A.
thanks for sharing the good news griff!
Yep! No adverse reaction, all is well. 28 days to follow up. They really need to smooth out the process if we're to get 70-90% vaccinated. We also need people to want the shot. That might get better as people start disavowing "wrecking shit" in the wake of yesterday's nonsense.
griff wrote:
Yep! No adverse reaction, all is well. 28 days to follow up. They really need to smooth out the process if we're to get 70-90% vaccinated. We also need people to want the shot. That might get better as people start disavowing "wrecking shit" in the wake of yesterday's nonsense.
I read it will be something like 10 years before everyone is vaccinated based on our current rate. Not sure if that accounts for population attrition from covid deaths.
In any event, glad you were able to get the vaccine.
Lil' Griff is in line for next week! It is happening!
I have another family in quarantine btw, this thing is out of control.
This too:
Fuck you Damocles.
We played Farkle (dice games) on Zoom with old friends last night.
We played dice last night too! Blisters.
I hadn't played dice in years. wtf?
I just discovered the online version of Ticket to Ride, one of my favorite board games that my family never wants to play with me. Now I can play against bots (and win a lot more, since apparently these bots don't go out of their way to notice the pattern of tracks you're setting and deliberately screw you.)
We enjoy Ticket to Ride online too! So far have only plated “locally” against Mr Limey, but who knows ...
Online, you say.
I'll have to check that out.
Well... online as in available on Steam. Not browser-based. But if you get a copy, a bunch of us could play against each other.
I'd go out of my way to notice the pattern of tracks you're setting and deliberately screw you.
glatt wrote:
We played dice last night too! Blisters.
I hadn't played dice in years. wtf?
Ridiculous! I hadn't played in years either.
Frans salted caramels saves lives.
I introduced my mom to Frans several years ago. Outstanding candy. I highly recommend it. (Valentines day is coming up, you know.)
So my mom just turned 80 years old. Her neighbor also has a birthday at the end of January, and my mom gave the neighbor a box of Frans. That neighbor is a nurse at the local hospital. And last week she gave my mom a link for signing up for the vaccine before the link had been made available to the general public. My Mom, the 80 year old, and my Dad, who is 79 and a half, just got their shots today because they had that inside scoop, and less deserving people were not able to sign up before them just by chance.
Good for them!