The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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10/13/2020 6:31 pm  #1

what's the deal with

the way PARKING LOTS are designed when you go to Austin ??

join us next time on Flint critiques a lot

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

10/13/2020 6:34 pm  #2

Re: what's the deal with

I wouldn't expect a parking lot philistine like you to understand.


10/13/2020 6:35 pm  #3

Re: what's the deal with

i BEG your pardon??

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e
     Thread Starter

1/23/2021 3:39 am  #4

Re: what's the deal with

What do  you expect when you criticize Texas, Flint?


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

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