Grandfather wrote:
Does he have the grades to be a professional student?
If not, would he be compatible with military service? It's one of the few places one can move between the three aforementioned categories of work without losing one's paygrade. For example: as a medic I worked with people (Geneva Convention category medical), then in SF I also worked with my hands (reclassified to Geneva Convention category combatant), and cross qualification in Operations & Intelligence had me working with information (they'd shoot me as a spy - ha!). Over a career I could move back and forth between those positions while retaining my rank. Perhaps he just doesn't like the prospect of getting stuck in predominantly one type of work until retirement; or, having to start at the bottom again to change it.
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Sexobon by any other name...
He effectively dropped out of high school, so the grades are a no go, and he has multiple diagnoses that disqualify him from the military. The main problem is there's a massive gulf between what he's capable of and what he feels entitled to.
Ah, politics then.
The guy in red, carrying a bag in one hand so he only has one free hand to grip with, is making an already risky activity much more risky.
imagine going down that thing
I question the need for a big wall in that particular location. It's only there for completeness's sake. I doubt it was very strategic, other than to shock and awe.
Grandfather wrote:
Today I asked Alexa what she was thinking.
Alexa said: I wonder if birds ever get a song stuck in their head?
So I thought: If a bird gets a song stuck in its head first thing in the morning, is it a case of the early bird gets the earworm?
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Sexobon by any other name...
Aaaand this post makes 100.
See if that makes a difference...
such restraint... not going for post 101 to see........
We love you monster.
I couldn't help it slipped into my Amazon cart.....
it was the googly eyes, wasn't it?
So, I'm working on this crossword puzzle from 2017.
The answer to my most recent clue was:
Damn right I've had the top down for the last two days.
Ima do it again today, too.
How ya like me now, Precious?
I keep squeezing my plums (gently)
That sounds kinky.
Yeah, sure. A chick does it, it's kinky.
I do it, and I can't go to the Burger King no more...
well you might want to try not asking them to go easy on the mayo at the same time....
I'm a member of a facebook group that posts links to interesting Wikipedia pages ....but other than that are a bunch of overly-sensitive naive oojemaflips. So I held off comments on euphemisms and making anyone sleepy, but please.......finger binary in bed as a teenager....... would make anyone feel sleepy, no?
Last edited by monster (3/28/2021 11:37 pm)
I wonder how many companies that make products to deal with headlice have gone bust during the pandemic?
Submarine helmsmen steer the boat, but can't see out a windshield. I drive a car without paying much attention to what's in front of a windshield, so I have no advantage over the guy driving the submarine.
Last night, at 10:05 my bgl was 71. At 10:07, it was 81.
I haven't drank , or eaten anything since.
At 8:30 am (this am), my bgl was 142.
We are not pleased.
Last edited by Gravdigr (4/15/2021 8:41 am)