A second-hand 256GB XR model. It's winging it's way from eBay to me as we speak. I've never really used iPhones before, but I'm so fed up with Android phones that I thought I'd make the leap to Apple. Anyone have positive experiences from switching?
We've been on iphone from the start. What was frustrating about the Android experience?
griff wrote:
We've been on iphone from the start. What was frustrating about the Android experience?
The user experience is dreadful. Nothing is properly integrated between apps in an intuitive way. All the services are infected with Google, and I ended up disabling them all. If you do that it warns that your phone may become unstable, but I just couldn't live with them. Android is the same quality of user experience as Microsoft Windows, which is to say not a lot.
I guess it's down to which sky-daddy you like better, Steve Jobs or Teh Google.
I am team Google, for the record. A purist if you will, I've had phones from HTC, Motorola and Google (#TeamPixel) and I've found my tribe. Pixel is the purest, most unadulterated Android experience. Not the best specs/GHz,/hw specs... but. enough. and the software is updated regularly, frequently.
I'm just waiting for the next release. I have zero interest in entering the walled garden of iOS. Hard. Pass.
Well I got my new iPhone but I can't use it yet. I had an Apple ID about three years ago that I set up with TFA (Two Factor Authentication), and guess what, of course I no longer have access to that mobile number anymore. I went to
to try to recover my account, and they said it would be THIRTEEN FREAKING DAYS before I could update my new mobile number on my account. Jesus. So on Monday I'm going to go down the Apple Store with all my documentation and ask them very nicely if they will unlock my account.Offline
This is the future! Embrace the convenience. /s
griff wrote:
This is the future! Embrace the convenience. /s
You said it brother.
After much shenanigans I’ve got my iPhone up and running. It’s pretty sweet so far. The only thing is I haven’t worked out how to get my music on it. Might have to ring Apple Support about it.
I got tired of messing around with it when I first got an IPhone. I just use Spotify now.
Apple drives me nuts. You get a new phone every few years and have to relearn all their stupid terminology.
What exactly does "synch" mean again? Does that delete anything that doesn't match? If so, why don't they say "delete non-matching files" or something honest like that? I get all panicked every time I plug an ipod or iphone into a PC, because I can't remember what they are going to do to it.
If you want to get any significant percentage of the capability of a computer, iphone or even a flip phone, you have to devote a whole lot more time and energy than you have.
Ho ho ho ho
Hee hee hee hee hee
Haw haw haw haw
I've found out that because I got it second-hand it had already (obviously) been associated with another Apple ID, namely that of the previous owner. So, guess what? It tells me I have to wait THREE MONTHS before I can put my own music on it. This is absolutely hilarious. I dd a hard factory reset on the phone, but I guess they're picking up the old Apple ID from the EMEI code which uniquely identifies all phones. The only good thing about that is I've signed up for a free 3 month trial of iTunes, so I'll cancel that as soon as I get my own music on.