This is not the permanent facade of the University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA). It's an installation by an "artist in residence" (Ibrahim Mahama) who was in fact on the other side of the world (Ghana) due to some contagious disease or other.... so remotely directed a team here to stitch together jute sacks in a patchwork to cover the building.
kinda reminds me of those hideous cork tiles so popular in the 70s. But I am a professional philistine. I meant to try and see it in person yesterday when I was dropping off my ballot ....but I forgot. oops.
There's nothing an artist can't make a little more ugly, sometimes a lot.
If there's backlash Mahamas says, Hey, I wasn't here, I didn't do it, they misunderstood my directions.
I like it. It kinda reminds me of those cork tiles so popular in the 70s.
Limey wrote:
I like it. It kinda reminds me of those cork tiles so popular in the 70s.