and that's where we live
Good news, then. But this bullshit is going to ruin another Christmas.
We find out tomorrow if my daughter has it. As I was walking around today, I thought I had it because I had a headache, sneezing and some congestion. But she actually attended a long unmasked dinner party on Saturday where folks tested positive on Monday.
The big dilemma is whether to tell the 80yo MIL to stay home and not ride the train up here from North Carolina for Christmas. And we normally go to the fish market for fresh seafood on Christmas Eve, and if we test positive, we're supposed to stay home.
Undertoad wrote:
you have it
If I do, then it's pretty damn harmless.
We ordered tests from Amazon a few days ago and they are on their way from Kentucky as I type. Supposed to arrive by 8PM.
You can't get a home covid test here unless you are really quick and really lucky. They all get snatched up as soon as shipments come in. To get tested, you need to go to a private lab and pay like $100 out of pocket. Those are the only slots available anywhere.
Daughter is still sleeping, but I think today is the day that she would show symptoms if she got it from the dinner party.
One of the other insidious things about Omicron is that people are developing symptoms faster than previous variants, but not testing positive until much later--the usual schedule is symptoms 2 days after exposure, but continually negative tests until day 5 or 6. So even people who are conscientious enough to test themselves after getting symptoms are saying, "Well, must be something else" and going about their lives.
This is, I expect, the big final push. Omicron is less dangerous overall, which is great (and the normal evolutionary path of these things, because it's not actually beneficial to kill your host,) but no matter how tiny the percentage of people who still get severely ill, it will still overwhelm hospitals when everyone gets it all at once. We'll have a solid wave of deaths through the end of January, and then things will start to get better for real.
This is my hope except the overwhelmed hospitals part.
I like that mechanical vent line.
I don't understand how incredibly quickly the has spread.
I seems like a "degrees of separation" thing where somehow 70% or whatever of cases in California have a direct line to someone in South Africa in a way short time span.
Is it just air travel? Plus what?
My wild ass guess, an early study said it spread 70x faster than Delta inside the respiratory tract. It's spreading before or without symptoms so folks were getting on planes testing negative and feeling fine. Poor or no masking is not a barrier to this at all. Decent masking may not be either.
Undertoad wrote:
Omicron travels way faster than colds: today, if you are in the UK and have a cold, there is more than a 50% chance it's Omicron.
Restrictions on gatherings in public places, bars, restaurants etc are in force over much of the UK.
In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland health care policy is the responsibility of the devolved administrations in those countries.
At present in England, where such decisions are made by the UK Government, measures are, as yet, nowhere near as strict as in the rest of the UK.
For example in Wales, as from yesterday, football and rugby games are only to be played behind closed doors.
Compare this with the race meeting at Sandown Park on the outskirts of London yesterday.
Dad was watching that on TV and as I glanced at the screen on my way past, I commented to him that there was little social distancing apparent and masks were conspicuously absent amongst the spectators.
I recall that in the first wave of Covid the race meeting at Cheltenham was allowed to go ahead just before lockdown and the spread of the virus is believed, in some quarters, to have been accelerated by the 250,000 spectators who attended over the four days of the meeting.
I have to admit that, for the first time in this pandemic, I am nervous.
I've always been scrupulous in keeping away from crowds and taking elementary precautions pre-pandemic, as the last thing I wanted to do was bring home seasonal flu and run the risk of Dad catching it.
Despite the fact that we have both had three vaccinations I find the current state of affairs to be rather concerning.
Having escaped up until now, perhaps it's just my turn to worry.
Anyway, watch and pray.
Last edited by Carruthers (12/27/2021 5:37 am)
I think we're all in the same boat C. Hopeful that this is the variant which gets us out of this thing but recognizing that it could have terrible potential if we're missing something like potential impacts on youngsters.
Older son gets his booster today, younger son next week. Daughter in Florida already done. The only reason I can see not to get the vaxes is sheer ignorant stubbornness. Some might add selfishness in there. The "Darwinism at work" argument is tempting, but they also are to ignorant/stubborn/selfish to keep their possibly covid-ridden selves out of crowds and away from vulnerable people. But what can you do? The more evidence that's presented to them, they more they shut down. It's natural to be scared by the concept of vaccination -just as it's natural to be scared to jump from a burning building. but sometimes you just have to have faith in those who have the skills and knowledge to weigh up the options and model the possible outcomes. There isn't exactly a slew of trained scientists behind the anti-vax stance, but they persist in their rejection and belief that it's the wrong way, most likely just because someone is telling them what they should do. Toddler style.
I do see that a good number of the people objecting vociferously on social media are basically anti-social hermits IRL and so are not at great risk or contracting or spreading covid at present. but one day, they might need to be admitted to hospital....
So I'm worried too, as are my daughter and older son (the latter's girlfriend is immuno-compromised) But there's no point continuing to try and persuade the anti-vaxxers. They're not budging. We need to work on the science to work around them, to stop them endangering the rest. /soapbox.
apparently I've been bottling stuff up, who knew? ;)
Even Boris Johnson and Donald Trump have finally stopped lying; now recommend vaccines. Even Putin was smarter than them. What remains are the millions (adults who are still children) who are even less intelligent - are not vaccinated.
Last edited by tw (12/28/2021 10:28 am)
To all the things a certain group of people are trying to make disqualifying to vote, I would be happy to add "too stupid to get vaccinated."
Actually I should say "replace with" instead of "add."
The overlap between the two groups is startling of course.
'there is your reminder that both sides are entirely willing, and even desperate, to violate the Constitution in order to "win""
I am neither willing or desperate to do any such thing.
My gosh: how can it be?
I wear no mask, go where I like, have accepted no jabs, and I'm still alive and healthy.
My family, close and extended, wear no masks, go where they like, have accepted no jabs, and all of 'em are still alive and healthy.
It's like voodoo, this nasty, deadly, beer virus: apparently, if you don't believe it can hurt you, it can't hurt you.
May all your totems and fetishes work as well.
henry_quirk wrote:
how can it be?
I wear no mask, go where I like, have accepted no jabs, and I'm still alive and healthy.
Only the good die young?
hq wrote:
May all your totems and fetishes work as well.
And you, yours,
TheNeverWas wrote:
henry_quirk wrote:
how can it be?
I wear no mask, go where I like, have accepted no jabs, and I'm still alive and healthy.Only the good die young?
seems that way, doesn't it
BigV wrote:
hq wrote:
May all your totems and fetishes work as well.
👍And you, yours,
so far, so good
Undertoad wrote:
probability is hard for everyone to understand and relate to their own lives
to imagine that having survived this is proof of something is a misunderstanding of probability
to imagine that vaccination is completely safe is a misunderstanding of probability
to imagine that the math is the same for everyone is a misunderstanding of probability
we all... load 'em as you like; me I'm rollin' straight
He is determined to be the person famous for creating a Theta variant. Some people will do anything to keep this pandemic ongoing. Epidemic is this need to be famous.