I just wasted a bunch of time staring at your last comment, trying to figure out how to make you re-think it.
But I guess you can't, can you?
Too bad.
The unvaccinated have been all but locked down in Germany since the beginning of December which surely skews those stats.
I appreciate you sharing your views UT. You seemed to be a couple weeks ahead of the main press and the CDC when you said the Omicron appeared to be more contagious but less serious a few weeks ago. I think that comment then was based on South Africa info.
This new comment is very interesting, and I would not be surprised if it also pans out. But I suspect, like my man, digr, that perhaps the vaccinated are less scared than the unvaccinated and are exposing themselves to more germs. I feel like I am. I wear a mask, but don't hesitate even a little bit going out and about.
I was hiking last week, without a mask, on a very busy trail, and there was a lady in front of me coughing fairly consistently. I was tempted to get really close to her, but felt out of some sort of obligation to at least attempt to keep some distance.
This thing does look like a possible way out. It's going to be very hard on healthcare workers on the business end and due to shear numbers is going to sicken a lot of kids. I expect they'll learn a lot about vaccine targeting from the way it's pushing out Delta. Hopefully it out competes whatever comes next.
Hospitals are suffering more, even if the patients are suffering less.
I'm going to leave out the long, whiny backstory about the different approaches to covid I and my childrens' egg donor have. As a firm believer, and formerly A student, in science you can guess where my ideals lie; in opposition to those of crazy pants.
The mm was boosted on the 11th and got over her post-shot blues. Today she told me that she thinks she has covid because of the classic symptoms and her two besties also have covid, one of them sits near her at lunch. (maybe 6 feet away, maybe fewer).
Her ≥ crazy pants grandmother is anti vax so she's probably gonna die because she's driving the mm around. Crazy Pants's beau is immunocompromised and boosted but, breakthrough?
It's shaping up to be a shit show and I don't want to get sick myself and I'm not happy that the mm is sick.
In other news, four out of four of Minifob's teachers had subsitutes on Wednesday. Not sure how many are sick-sick vs. low-symptom positives that are just quarantining, but the staff shortages at our school are real.
My work schedule has been a mess as this variant rips through the locals. The schools districts are desperate for substitute teachers.
No problem. Only my constitutional right matter. Anything created by exercising my right is your problem.
the last two reports from work.. 200 new cases... then this new report, 700 new reports.
and that's just the confirmed reports. who knows how many cases, asymptomatic ones, are there adding to the totals, and to the spread.
MAXIMUM SYMPATHIES to my friends here.
Clodfobble wrote:
In other news, four out of four of Minifob's teachers had subsitutes on Wednesday. Not sure how many are sick-sick vs. low-symptom positives that are just quarantining, but the staff shortages at our school are real.
In other-other news, Minifob got COVID, which was bound to happen and he's basically already over it. Minifobette never showed any symptoms, but was surely exposed to her brother, so we're hoping she was just asymptomatic and is through and done as well.
But me, double-vaxxed and boostered, I've got one of them fabled breakthrough cases. (I'm mostly fine. Coughing, tired, blah blah blah, but no serious symptoms so far.) Back in August/September I went and cared for my bedridden dad with COVID every day for 6 weeks and never got it, so one has to assume the shots were working back then. Omicron is not like the others.
Mom has tested positive for Covid-19
I'm sorry your Mom is sick.
My friend Anthony has got the covid and he is very sick.
Neighbor / old-timer who tends to be very political was hospitalized but is home now. I'm guessing his daughter was unsuccessful in getting him vaccinated but who knows?
just dropping this here
Last edited by monster (1/19/2022 10:06 am)
By month 25 of the Covid-19 pandemic, we all probably should have learned not to try to anticipate what the SARS-CoV-2 virus is going to do next. It has so consistently defied predictions.But the tsunami that is the Omicron wave is tempting us all the same, in large part because of an inescapable fact: By the time it crashes, the immunological landscape in this country — and in much of the world — is going to be profoundly altered. Far more people will have some immunity to Covid-19 than was the case before the wave began. Many will have what is effectively hybrid immunity, from vaccination and infection.As a result, some experts think we may get a bit of a break from the Covid roller coaster after Omicron. It could be a respite, if you will, after the punishing months of the Delta and Omicron waves, with their millions of cases, that began at the beginning of last summer.
With so many who hate humanity (did not get vaccinated), then human remains a breeding ground for so many new variants. Why the varient called Omicron? Because so many variants were create in a massive pool of the most naive - the unvaccinated. We have already had alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, etc. One only hears about variants that were more dangerous. Omicron is the 15th letter in the Greek alphabet. More to come.
Well, at least we have not yet seen Hurricane Omicron. We only got to Hurricanes alpha, beta, and gamma.
When we run out of Greek letters, will the world end?
I mean, we could have done it like the termites do--whenever there's a pathogenic outbreak in a termite colony, the first thing they do is slaughter all the babies and adolescents, because they're the ones who spread the disease quickest.
griff wrote:
Neighbor / old-timer who tends to be very political was hospitalized but is home now. I'm guessing his daughter was unsuccessful in getting him vaccinated but who knows?
and he's back in the hospital.
according to tw, uncultured and poor black people in South Africa (and anarchistic rednecks in south louisiana) hate humanity. but they might have accidentally saved us all
you're welcome
thank an unvaccinated person today
yeah, do it today (cuz tomorrow yer probaby dead [from bein' spiked])
Undertoad wrote:
but here's the thing. the virus also exists in animals so we would have had to vaccinate them too.
And where did hundreds of hamster get Covid resulting in killing of all hamsters? Unvaccinated humans. The ones who could have been. But were so naive, childish, or extremist as to not bother.
Rationalizing does not change reality. This pandemic continues only because so many are so childish as to not be vaccinated.
Extremist rhetoric. Because some in South Africa did not get vaccinated, then everyone in South Africa must be evil. Saddam again has his WMDs.
did I hear the buzzing of a rabidly anti-altruistuic misanthrope swooping in to accept thanks for accidentally doing something--in spite of their best efforts to never give a sh!t about anyone besides themselves-- that could very loosely be characterized as arguably, slightly on the positive side of neutral .?
did I hear the buzzing of a rabidly anti-altruistuic misanthrope swooping in to accept thanks for accidentally doing something that could very loosely be characterized as arguably, slightly on the positive side of neutral?
UT has declared it so: it is so
in spite of their best efforts to never give a sh!t about anyone besides themselves
I care for a whole whack of folks: my kid, family, friends, certain acquaintances
there might even be one or two here who I give a damn about
"there might even be one or two here who I give a damn about" Henry Quirk
We Love you too Henry.