The short and bitter of it is I tore the shit out of my shoulder yesterday. I'm waiting to hear back from my surgeon about the next steps. The same surgeon who fixed it ten yeas ago. I have a vague recollection that outcomes for rotator cuff surgery aren't great as you age. Something or other about the quality of the tissue not be so youthful and spritely.
Luckily, I had just completed re-roofing the section of my house that was leaking. (15 year roof - part of a class action lawsuit for overstating the lifespan of shingles: allegedly 30 years)
However there are numerous other home maintenance and construction projects on the docket, not to mention work work (painting) that I can no longer do since my dominant arm is the victim? casualty?
So, be not sorry for my thumb nor my shoulder.
Should be sorry for other parts of your body that will no longer be able to receive attention from the dominant arm?
I am of course referring to things like toenails that will go unclipped.............
I read this not 15 seconds after rubbing lidocain into my non-dominant shoulder this morning. Sorry man. Was this a tear that got worse over time from repetitive use or a one wrong move injury?
luckily, again, i had just clipped my toenails and i am mostly ambidextrous...This was the result of a combination of things, two RC tears, a surgery, more partial tears from use, and a catastrophic failure just the other day. seeing the surgeon on the 22nd.
Christ what a drag.
I'm still not sorry about it, though. Not that I'll admit to, anyway. good luck! Shoulder problems are also my bugbear.
Saw the sturgeon and he said, yeah, it's probably all fucked up. We can't say for sure until the ins. co. approves the MRI, and there's a chance we might not even be able to fix it. I guess tendons can get like frayed rope and there's not really any way to sew frayed rope to bone.
Waiting on the ins. co.
sorry, not sorry. but I wish this was not a thing for you.