Complete and utter horseshit. The sun doesn't set your body clock the alarm going off in the morning does. Your daily routine starts from that point whether the Sun is up or not. The change of time happens Saturday night/Sunday morning and most people are flexible as to when they get up on Sunday unless they have a cat or small kids, so that hours sleep isn't a biggie. The tough part is getting the clocks in sync.
When I worked at Westinghouse driving to work in the morning would be straight into the Sun for a few weeks. When it was over because the Sun was high enough to be bearable, daylight savings mean start the cycle all over again.
Using their reasoning, then nobody can work night shifts. People such as firemen and policemen cannot properly work.
We already changed the daylight saving times once. All those reasons for doing so were classic junk science. It accomplished nothing. Only make so many devices (especially electronic devices) defective for three weeks.
Nothing was wrong with the original daylight saving time. Why did we have to break something that was not broken. Same emotional reasoning, backed by facts that are irrelevant, promoted a mistake once. Now we will make that mistake again? Brainwashing is easy when one is provided soundbites as if facts.
Everyone rises and sleeps at different times. Changing daylight savings time but again only creates new problems. Solves nothing.
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
Complete and utter horseshit. The sun doesn't set your body clock the alarm going off in the morning does.
To be clear, you're saying you don't think the body has any kind of internal timing mechanism? A finely-tuned machine of delicate checks and balances is designed in such a way that your auditory senses and executive thinking being aware of the time on the clock has overridden a billion years of evolution of natural organisms on Earth living in an environment where the sun has natural cycles.??
Every terrestrial form of life has evolved under the gradual changing of the length of day and night.
This difference increases in higher latitudes.
Luckily only humans are affected by turning that gradual change into a twice yearly JUMP of an hour.
It benefits some businesses financially, but is pointless and often harmful to the rest of us.
I'm sure everyone has heard (but perhaps not thought about) the story of cutting off the top of a blanket, sewing it on the bottom and thinking it makes a longer blanket.
It looks like it would be difficult, or impossible, to change the practice, but the idea of going to year-round "Saving" is catching on, so now is the time to simply stay on "Standard" time and forever forget the whole fucking thing ever happened.
That one hour change is only a problem in the first week as everyone easily adjusts to a minor change. Daylight saving means every one gets up when the sun is approximately in the same place. Standard time so that everyone need not get up in total darkness.
No facts justify this constant daylight saving time. For the same reason no facts justified the other change of three weeks. Those changes only create new problems and complications. With no advantage - as provided by facts.
Nobody's physiology cares about where the sun is in relation to other people in a different location.
The fAcTs are, #1-- "easily adjusts to a minor change" = dismissive language that admits a legitimate problem-- it IS a health issue that affects people. #2-- we've all seen the maps of what would happen if we adopted permanent DST-- everyone would have more reasonable hours, except for the slight variance between one side of a single existing "zone" and the other (which currently exists, anyway)
Constant daylight savings means people who once got up or went to work with sun must now do it in the dark. Somehow that is a good thing?
Changeover means people see less radical changes over the days. Then everyone would have more reasonable hours.
Changing only creates many more problems - accomplishes nothing.
Last edited by tw (11/04/2022 5:09 pm)
tw wrote:
Constant daylight savings means people who once got up or went to work with sun must now do it in the dark. Somehow that is a good thing?
Changeover means people see less radical changes over the days. Then everyone would have more reasonable hours.
I don't know about you, but I like my daylight at the end of the day.
I like mine at the beginning. But I also like not to fuck with nature. I'd be more than happy to abolish the whole clock changing thing and stick with regular time. If it's too light/dark for you when you go to/leave work, talk to your boss about your hours. It does not make sense in the modern world.
Pictures show Daylight Saving Time always abolished. And Daylight Saving Time always in effect. Both are bad. Pictures do not show what is best and currently exists. Daylight Saving Time only when it is needed.
Don't forget time is a human construct and has not been the same forever. Days in a week, days in a month, hours in a day, are all made up. they have nothing to do with the circadian clock some people are so worried about. I've worked all three shifts and short periods(weeks) of 13 hour shifts and just adjusted.
It was kind of fun getting out of work at 6:42am and watch the commuters reaction to us waiting for the bar across the street to open at 7am.
Last edited by xoxoxoBruce (11/06/2022 2:05 am)
People who learn reality before making a conclusion put forth facts. Matt Parker in "Humble Pi . When Math Goes Wrong in the Real World":
There had been some prior research showing that heart attacks seem to be linked to the change to daylight saving time,so the University of Michigan got their best cardiovascular people on it. They crunched the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium database for all the time changes between March 2010 and September 2013. The study found this result did a good job of controlling for all sorts of factors, including compensating for the fact that a day of twenty five hours is going to have an extra 4.2 percent of everything.
But what makes the results misleading is how big the window is. The 24 percent increase is lumping all heart attacks on the one day ... But if you go from looking at one day to a whole week, the effect disappears completely.
It seems that clocks going forward and depriving people of sleep ... The heart attack merely happened sooner. And likewise, the clocks going back gave people a rest and bought them a few more days.
Number of heart attacks later in the week were less. Proving that daylight saving time increases life expectancy later in the week - if we make the same mistake. Confirmation bias. Ignore other data.
Daylight saving time only created heart attacks in people who would otherwise suffer same days later. Confirmation bias ignores that fact. Then the most naive consumers out here automatically believed the lie.
So we now know that the clocks going forward and back does not increase the number of heart attacks.
What creates heart attacks? Maybe stress created by disinformation that is then parroted by others who are just as easily brainwashed. Who do not bother to ask damning questions. When is health highest? In the many day after clocks advance. Since so many, who are going to die, die on that first day.
Confirmation bias recommends a constant daylight saving time. Nothing honest (as some Congressmen later and privately admitted) recommended a previous 3 week change from October to November. Nothing also said Saddam had WMDs. And that the election was stolen. Notice how many automatically believe lies promoted only by tweets (and Trump).
Last edited by tw (11/06/2022 6:00 pm)
I'm really, really hoping that "daylight savings" joins the regular ranks of "Saddam's WMDs" and "GM products" and "Trump stuff." Feels like that group could use a fun one, you know?
85% of us agree.
griff wrote:
85% of us agree.
U made that up.
85% of dead hobos would agree but they overslept
monster wrote:
85% of dead hobos would agree but they overslept
Do they care?
I finally got around to changing the clock in the car yesterday.
What's with this desire to disguise clocks?
The only time I look at a clock is when I want to know what time it is so I can coordinate my actions to my plans.
I never look to the clock for amusement or entertainment.
Digital is straight forward, a plain clock dial with numbers is quick and easy, but just hands work too.
I had a clock in the living room made from an 8 inch pressure gage with just an hour hand.
Nothing else was changed but I could tell the time within 10 minutes.
More importantly when friends are over ( I had some when I made it) we could watch TV without a clock staring at us.
Sorry Babe, the busses aren't running now so you'll have to stay over.
Diaphone Jim wrote:
Let's make this Sunday the last "time" we change
Yes I have heard this spring was the last time........ Its gonna be strange though........
More changes that will only make things worse. I have stuff that automatically changes on the previous daylight savings time. That was never a problem. Then constant lies and myths promoted changes. That only caused more problems.
The first change to a different daylight savings time even created massive problems with us and others overseas. Was done only because liars were believed. Now we will again make changes because liars are again believed? Fool me once ...
We should go back to the original day light saving time. Half the year until one sun rise. Other half under a much earlier sunrise. It worked. It was simple. And it causes NO problems.
This year, I'm having trouble adjusting for some reason. It's been SO hard to get up the last couple weeks. Not sure why. I should be adjusted by now.