really, really badly.
that is all.
It's the really stupid little things. I just saw the clip of wazzock-face at the Arlington National Cemetery and we would have laughed our arses off at that. But he isn't here. So now I'm crying instead. Once we've sorted covid, let's get back to the other C. fucking shitballs
You don't know how many dad jokes I've wanted to tell Ripley. I feel you.
thanks. Moment is passed now (mostly 'cause I could post it here) but/and I'm so glad you lot are here because this is not a "facebook moment" or something I'mm'a tell the kids "in the moment" because.... yeah because
Love you both.
Yeah, thinking of both you guys, hard times.
thanks, fam
Wishing peace for you both, however long it takes.
My heart goes to you both.
footfootfoot wrote:
My heart goes to you both.
What foot said.
Hugs to you both x
So fucking dumb. Watching a stupid sitcom with a bog standard wedding -fluffy meringue dress, church, speeches -nothing like our weirdo event, bawling my fucking eyes out. And again now typing this. I thought it would help to say it but it didn't I'm just crying again.
feeling a bit stronger this morning, although when I "shared a memory" on phacebuck just now, I wanted to add "back when I was still happy".... which is what I think every time I see a pic that's over 6 years old.....
onward. sigh.
Wanted to post yesterday, but my iPad and this site were not playing nice.
Still valid today.
You're strong lady. Just keep at living.
thanks, I'm trying. Very ;) I need to get a job so I have less time to mope.
Ah hon - bad time of year for this stuff. Hugs from The North
These times suck for folks with demons waiting in the wings to pounce. I hope today is better.
All of what I have sounds better in my head than on the page here...except maybe this. Your tears are a signifier of your love for him, your love that was strong and is still strong. It's not wrong to love someone who's gone, that's just fine. Sometimes love is sad and crying from sadness is also appropriate. I'm sorry you're sad monster. I'm a little sad with you. [insert covid-safe consent-appropriate internet hug here]. Sorry friend.
probly better in my head for this one too.