Some hail it as a life-changing step, others, a complete waste of precious time.
I have friends who buy into that program. They claim it makes them more productive. I think people who are pre-wired to that nonsense get anxious about untidiness generally so this makes a good excuse for them to be anal retentive. Being generally sloppy, I could care less. Pete likes a made bed because it starts the nights sheet battle even Stephen.
I do. It's about the only domestic thing I do, I'm messy as all get out generally, but it feels nicer to crawl into a made bed at night and getting to sleep can be a struggle for me and this seems to help. It kinda does make me set for the day, too. But full disclosure -it's incredibly easy and quick because I have a duvet. If it was sheets and stuff .....not gonna happen the pay-off for effort seems worth it
I haven't made my bed since I was a child.
When ya make yer bed, that means yer done with it for the day.
I'm not that grown-up yet. The day will only piss me off so much, before "Fukkit, I'm going to bed."
Fair, although I am done with it for the day. i am not remotely interested in that thing. It's a thief of time.
First sleep in your bed before making it.
So people get confused. Try to make it with their bed.
Last edited by tw (5/26/2023 9:00 am)
I literally made my bed.
But I only stretch the sheets flat on it when I take them out of the drier.
I am quite surprised by these results, I have to admit. But now I think about it, I have other reasons I make my bed that might not be an issue for all. My cats are allowed in there in the day and sleep on my bed. I am allergic to their fur, so I pull the duvet over the pillow as well as the sheets so I am not touching any bit they've slept on when I sleep. But I still like like it looks nice and flat and straight when I crawl in at night
I've slept on a waterbed for 50 years. Obviously, I like it.
Making it every day conserves the heat.
For the last few years, I have had an indoor cat and hopefully the combined thickness of the bedding exceeds the length of her claws.
Otherwise? I don't want to think about it.
I pull the blankets back up because we have dogs and I want them to stay on the outside. But I'm also not a violent sleeper--the bed stays pretty much made without any effort.