Remember when foil was only use to bake spuds at a BBQ, and fashion hats to keep mind control waves at bay?
Now we have the greatest breakthrough in the 21st century, possibly any century.
This will free up hundreds of thousands of Doctors and nurses, plus scores of hospitals.
It may even be applicable to mammal pets, hell, even non-mammal pets.
It's truly the age of Aquarius...
the only proper way to wear tin foil is as a hat: how the hell else can you blunt the dark overlord's mind control?
A different breakthrough:
House was wrong; this time?
It was lupus!
Last edited by TheNeverWas (6/29/2023 7:56 pm)
A guy in Portland Oregon told he had a hip replacement last week, just one side, as an outpatient.
They were going to send him home the same day but after they were done and sewed him up they did an X-ray and the surgeon didn't like the way it was aligned. She told the anesthetist to knock him out again and didn't open the incision but must have done some twisting and yanking and got it aligned to her satisfaction. Because of that they didn't discharge him until the next morning.
My mother had both hips replaced a couple years back, 1967 to be exact. LoL 56 years.
Anyway, it was two 18 hour operations and three months in Mass General Hospital in Boston.
They've come a long way, baby.
This is the surgeon who did the hip replacement in the last post.
A friend had one hip replaced. Died on the table. Was held in the hospital for two weeks due to that anesthetic allergy. She refused to have the second hip done until pain made it inevitable. Apparently, a different anesthetist.
Last edited by tw (7/03/2023 4:41 pm)