I got hafway... I like Craig a lot, and Richard Lewis fine, but that was tedious...
I watched it twice.
I watched it through, exhausting.
The new rock-climber Bugatti...
No problem, just turn it around, it'll go down.
TheNeverWas wrote:
Cocaine, it's a helluva drug, man, helluva drug...
Richard Lewis, dead at 76, of a heart attack.
Who'd a-thunk it...
not unexpected...
I was trying to remember where I knew him from. He has been in so much over the years. I KNEW it was some romantic sitcom from the 90s, and kept thinking it was Mad About You with Paul Riser and Helen Hunt, but I know that was Paul Riser, not him. So I go to his IMDB page and see he was in a Jamie Lee Curtis sitcom in the early 90s. I had completely forgotten about that. "Anything But Love." Network TV was crazy back then. If you didn't pay for cable, you just watched what was on. Apparently it was Anything But Love. I found an old episode on YouTube, and it's a terrible show. Nobody is streaming it. I love Jamie Lee Curtis, and he was good too, but the show I saw was SO bad. Who knew Jamie Lee was in a sitcom for years?
Wasn't he a buddy of that Curb Your Enthusiasm guy?
TheNeverWas wrote:
I'm exhausted after watching that.
fargon wrote:
I lack the stamina to watch that, I only made it a quarter of the way.
Happy Monkey wrote:
I got hafway...
glatt wrote:
I watched it twice.
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