The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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2/22/2024 10:38 pm  #126

Re: Notable Women

Jeanne Holm was the first woman general officer in Air Force history, promoted to brigadier general in July 1971. She enlisted in the Army in World War II, serving as a truck driver. Recalled to active duty during the Berlin Airlift, she was commissioned in the newly created Air Force. She was the first woman in any service to be promoted to major general in 1973.
Started as a WWII truck driver. Queen Elizabeth II was a truck mechanic during that war, must be a good starting point.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.

2/23/2024 8:37 am  #127

Re: Notable Women

My Dad's Uncles were truckers (horsies) in the Great War. They came home and became truckers.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

2/29/2024 2:06 am  #128

Re: Notable Women

When I look at the picture of Dr Baker I see an aggressive woman who knows her shit, knows she knows her shit, and lets people know she knows her shit.
After reading about her accomplishments I sure of my impression.
I've met people like her, and while they can be abrasive, working for them is great.


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
     Thread Starter

4/09/2024 12:54 am  #129

Re: Notable Women

I saw pictures of her in "the golden years" and she is one of those women that's pretty
no matter how many scars and wrinkles they accumulate.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
     Thread Starter

4/09/2024 7:32 am  #130

Re: Notable Women

In traditional Polish names, the male version ends in -i and the female version ends in -a. So a father named Pilsudski would have sons named Pilsudski and daughters named Pilsudska.


4/28/2024 2:06 am  #131

Re: Notable Women

Wow, the surname changes with sex?
Polish do a lot of things different but usually some logic behind it.

Dorothy broke the record and was talking about a high altitude balloon flight.

 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
     Thread Starter

4/28/2024 2:17 am  #132

Re: Notable Women

Katharine Wentworth Ruschenberger and the Justice Bell.

On the bell...

The bell is now in Valley Forge Park by not part of the park.


 Freedom is just another word for nothin' left to lose.
     Thread Starter

4/29/2024 11:07 am  #133

Re: Notable Women

Instructor gets the protective gear?


4/29/2024 8:57 pm  #134

Re: Notable Women

The instructor is doing the maneuvering and needs to be protected from the tandem jumper and anything on that person which could become detached and hit the instructor. The tandem jumper will be required to wear soft shoes like sneakers rather than heavy hiking shoes or boots so if there’s a malfunction and they tumble, the instructor won’t get clobbered to the detriment of his performance. The instructor is responsible for that other person’s life while the tandem jumper is just along for the ride.


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