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12/05/2020 9:00 am  #1

The Covid

Worldometer Stats right now, I assume long haulers are not reflected. Congress continues to fuck around because homelessness is not an issue for our millionaire "representatives." If people are to be prevented from working, they need to be made whole.

Last edited by griff (12/05/2020 9:02 am)

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

12/05/2020 1:30 pm  #2

Re: The Covid

Indonesia is the next most populous country after US (327M vs. 267M).
If Trump knew where it is, you know what he would probably call it.
They have had 17,589 deaths.
Pakistan is next: 212 million. 8,300 deaths.
Cambodia has 16 million, 0 deaths. Zero.
Let's put 250,000 of ours directly on Trump.


12/05/2020 4:35 pm  #3

Re: The Covid

I hear Biden is a secret Hindu.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/05/2020 4:56 pm  #4

Re: The Covid

Sexobon by any other name...


12/05/2020 7:04 pm  #5

Re: The Covid

what's the houseplant/whore gonna do to stop beer virus from takin' more lives?

what's the grand plan, the strategy, the method, the solution smokin' joe & cum-ala have to end that debbil?


12/05/2020 7:32 pm  #6

Re: The Covid

^My new byline.^
When is the bye-line?


12/06/2020 8:41 am  #7

Re: The Covid

henry_quirk wrote:

what's the houseplant/whore gonna do to stop beer virus from takin' more lives?

what's the grand plan, the strategy, the method, the solution smokin' joe & cum-ala have to end that debbil?

He's going to ask you bitches to please wear a mask and finish the job on vaccine distribution.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
     Thread Starter

12/06/2020 9:59 am  #8

Re: The Covid

He's going to ask you bitches to please wear a mask and finish the job on vaccine distribution.

best I can tell: the bitches are all masked up and already linin' up for shots

now, me, I ain't wearin' a mask and I ain't gettin' no shot...and I ain't the only one

sure hope smokin' joe's marvy plans take selfish folks like me into account


12/06/2020 11:03 am  #9

Re: The Covid

If I didn't know people who take the same stance, I'd suggest you were just being a troll. Unfortunately, I do know people who claim to want everything open but refuse to slow the spread of the virus through simple mask wearing.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/06/2020 11:05 am  #10

Re: The Covid

Grandfather wrote:

When Diaphragm Jim stops being a tw@. 

Extremist contempt for honesty, logic, and team play is again apparent.  Just more symptoms and hate avidly encouraged by The Don.  And others who also endorse and praise both Nazis and KKK.

Just another example of why moderates are American patriots.  Also explains why extremists (with contempt of everyone else's Constitutional rights) also love to spread Covid.


Last edited by tw (12/06/2020 11:06 am)


12/06/2020 11:12 am  #11

Re: The Covid

henry_quirk wrote:

He's going to ask you bitches to please wear a mask and finish the job on vaccine distribution.

best I can tell: the bitches are all masked up and already linin' up for shots

now, me, I ain't wearin' a mask and I ain't gettin' no shot...and I ain't the only one

sure hope smokin' joe's marvy plans take selfish folks like me into account

Mr Quirk have you ever considered professional help for your Sociopathy. You are being contrary for no good reason, for what ever selfish reason you have decided not to go along. Is just going to make it harder for the rest of us to get rid of the covid virus. I know you don't give a shit because you are a good republican American. And trump is your man. So Mask up and do all the things the medical professionals say to do. Please.

I Love my country, I fear the government.

12/06/2020 11:30 am  #12

Re: The Covid

So Mask up and do all the things the medical professionals say to do. Please.

I must respectfully decline to mask up, lockdown, and shoot up


12/06/2020 11:45 am  #13

Re: The Covid

henry_quirk wrote:

sure hope smokin' joe's marvy plans take selfish folks like me into account

They never do. This is why it's impossible to have an effective leader who is not also a good liar/manipulator. An effective leader knows how to present things so that selfish folks like you think compliance was your own idea.


12/06/2020 12:04 pm  #14

Re: The Covid

Clodfobble wrote:

henry_quirk wrote:

sure hope smokin' joe's marvy plans take selfish folks like me into account

They never do. This is why it's impossible to have an effective leader who is not also a good liar/manipulator. An effective leader knows how to present things so that selfish folks like you think compliance was your own idea.

fargon sez I'm sociopathic, so smokin' joe is gonna haffta work hard to get in my head

mebbe he can throw some more beer virus relief cash my way...I haven't taken any yet but mebbe it might work on me tomorrow

mebbe cum-ala can give me a happy endin'...use her feminine wiles...make me a sammich

mebbe fauci can sweet talk me

mebbe birx can plead with me

mebbe the CDC can frown at me

mebbe the WHO can belt out a little pinball wizard to move me

mebbe china can import the new & improved beer virus to get me a'fear'd


12/06/2020 12:09 pm  #15

Re: The Covid

Suddenly we reach the limit of voluntary action.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/06/2020 1:19 pm  #16

Re: The Covid

griff wrote:

Suddenly we reach the limit of voluntary action.

oh, we reached that a looong time back

all that's left is coercion

let's get to it, then

I'm tired of waitin'


12/06/2020 1:35 pm  #17

Re: The Covid

henry_quirk wrote:

fargon sez I'm sociopathic, so smokin' joe is gonna haffta work hard to get in my head

mebbe he can throw some more beer virus relief cash my way...I haven't taken any yet but mebbe it might work on me tomorrow

mebbe cum-ala can give me a happy endin'...use her feminine wiles...make me a sammich

mebbe fauci can sweet talk me

mebbe birx can plead with me

mebbe the CDC can frown at me

mebbe the WHO can belt out a little pinball wizard to move me

mebbe china can import the new & improved beer virus to get me a'fear'd

No, it's too late to "get in your head." The time for manipulation is earlier, when selfish folks haven't already dug in to their positions. The thing is, I'm borderline sociopathic myself, I just have a better grasp of long-term vs short-term benefits than you do. Everything is a long game, and some people aren't smart enough to learn from other people's mistakes in order to behave in their own self-interest. But in the long term, that's still fine: statistically speaking, someone in your immediate circle will have died from COVID by the end of this, perhaps you. The long-game view is that your son will likely learn from that experience, and behave differently than you did.


12/06/2020 2:24 pm  #18

Re: The Covid

The thing is, I'm borderline sociopathic myself

really? are you on the spectrum too? I hear bein' on the spectrum is the in thing for middle-aged ladies...is bein' borderline an in thing too?

me: I'm not on the spectrum or borderline

I just have a better grasp of long-term vs short-term benefits than you do.

nah...you just have a different set of priorities, is all

Everything is a long game

indeed, and I'm lookin' at the long haul as much as you think you are...my priorities, as I say, differ from yours

some people aren't smart enough to learn from other people's mistakes in order to behave in their own self-interest.

this is true...fortunately, that doesn't apply to me

But in the long term, that's still fine: statistically speaking, someone in your immediate circle will have died from COVID by the end of this, perhaps you.

mebbe so...way more likely, though, one of us will die of liver failure...we drink

The long-game view is that your son will likely learn from that experience, and behave differently than you did.

if I'm doin' my job right (and, I am), *he'll be as much a eleutheromaniac as me

*nephew, not son...long story...touched on it in the old place


12/07/2020 1:07 pm  #19

Re: The Covid

Adults who are still children are quickly identified.   Everything argued there is subjective.  Nott one number or supported fact in that propaganda.  How much searching did he have to do to find more wacko extremist propaganda?  No problem.  Listen to Fox News to be ordered what to believe.

An honest Sexobon posted numbers.  He is dishonest - no numbers.  Just some vague claim similar to what  people like Timothy McVeigh also believed.

Show me the numbers.  Extremists cannot.  They are only ordered what to believe.

Sexobon cites a dishonest man who even claims a lockdown will not contain the virus.  When we already know it was contained previously by lockdowns.  No problem.  Cherry picking is routine in extremist rhetoric.  since it works on adults who are thinking like children - emotionally.. It spread uncontained  when lockdowns were removed. 

David Brooks accurately identified by this problem.  Extremists remains attached to their emotions even when confront by irrefutable facts.  It is futile to confront extremists with facts.  What he does not say is that extremist eyes glaze over with numbers.  Extremists can only see reality when it is presented to them in an emotional manner.

Which is why so many adults who are still children love bullies - ie Trump and another famous bully - Hitler..


12/07/2020 2:05 pm  #20

Re: The Covid

You might want to tune your sarcasm detector.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/08/2020 4:05 pm  #21

Re: The Covid

Grandfather wrote:

It contains damning evidence.

It is promoted by extremist sources.  That alone say it is the really fake news.  Not cited are reasons why tempered by numbers.  So again we know it is a lie.

And when it comes from Trump, no doubt it is always a lie.

That citation is subjective.  Promoted from a source whose income is based in promoting lies.  Fact that it cites no numbers only further confirms it is propaganda to keep extremists thrilled, hyped, and deceived.  To be enticed by more hate.  Hate is why lies are routinely believed by KKK, Nazis, and white supremacists.   And the least educated adults who cannot stand it when even immigrants are more productive then they are.

Sorry.  To many facts.  Extremist usually cannot understand anything longer than 140 characters.  Even Trump knows that.


12/09/2020 7:30 am  #22

Re: The Covid

Meanwhile in Idaho:Idaho health board meeting halted after ‘intense protests’ 

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho public health officials abruptly ended a meeting Tuesday after the Boise mayor and chief of police said intense protests outside the health department building — as well as outside some health officials’ homes — were threatening public safety.

The request from Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and the Boise Police Department came just a few minutes after one health board member, Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo, tearfully interrupted the online meeting to say she had to rush home from work to be with her son. The board had been expected to vote on a four-county mask mandate in Idaho’s most populated region.


If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/09/2020 7:32 am  #23

Re: The Covid

We are off our rockers.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/09/2020 7:46 am  #24

Re: The Covid

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis
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12/09/2020 12:25 pm  #25

Re: The Covid

Grandfather wrote:

Cited were sources for numbers that provide damning evidence.

Cited was nothing more than Trump inspired lies  

Your entire post contains not even one number.  So it is a lie (in the Trump tradition).  An honest poster would have quoted relevant numbers.  You cannot.  No numbers exist.   Demonstrated is how extremists get educated - subjective lies target their emotions.  Same technique also proved Saddam had WMDs.  You also believed that lie.  It also agreed only with your emotions..

As an extremist, facts and numbers are routinely ignored - cherry picking in the extreme.   Others can learn but again that extremists are brainwashed by that technique.  An honest person would have cited each relevant fact with numbers from that citation.  None cited because none exist.  You now lie about that

A patriotic American would have cited each relevant number with its relevant fact.  You don't.  KKK, Nazis, and white supremacists also refuse to be so responsible.

A simple challenge that any unemotional adult would do.  Cite each relevant fact and associated numbers in the next post.  Or apologize for citing disinformation.

Last edited by tw (12/09/2020 12:27 pm)


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