Do you remember the old lady who burned herself badly with hot coffee from McDonald's.
Her lawyer stated during the trial that the 190° coffee will third degree burn in 2 seconds whereas if they lower the temperature to 160° it would take 20 seconds to third degree burn.
As you would suspect coming out of a lawyers mouth, that's a lie, here's the real poop, hot water is dangerous.
Remember that’s third degree, you know, blistering with skin sloughing off.
First and second degree can hurt a lot.
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
Remember that’s third degree, you know, blistering with skin sloughing off.
Lawyer was not discussing skin burns. A doctor, who first treated her, admits he took his time arriving. Since he originally thought it was just a skin burn. Turns out she was burned, in her leg, almost to the bone. Major difference is the damage by that unacceptable coffee temperature. And time it took to do that damage.
Coffee institute says coffee should be served at 140 degrees F. And should never be brewed at 190+ degrees. Back then I would never drink coffee from MacDonald's. It tasted bad. Always left me with a headache. Coffee brewed that excessively hot is significantly more acidic, has higher caffeine levels, and extracts other things from beans that adversely affect taste.
Furthermore, MacDonald's had well over 200 other lawsuits for this same problem. It was not until she got burned that MacDonald's finally decided to address the problem. Previously is was cheaper to settle out of court rather then fix a defective product.
Water at 140 degrees is quite safe. 190 degrees is dangerous. A major difference between those two temperatures. Coffee should never be served that excessively hot. MacDonald's finally fixed that problem AFTER the lawsuit and resulting press. Those were the years when MacDonald's management was driven by cost controls.