BP 120/80
f'in 199 LDL !!!!
Crap. Gonna be big changes made. See Pete got an Icecream maker a year ago.
idk I read recently that Dairy isn't epidemiologically shown to be bad for you, same as eggs
eta: jfc is that Edit window adjustable? I edit nearly 100% of my posts
Last edited by Flint (10/13/2020 3:48 pm)
Flint wrote:
idk I read recently that Dairy isn't epidemiologically shown to be bad for you, same as eggs
eta: jfc is that Edit window adjustable? I edit nearly 100% of my posts
Might need to edit our impulse control.
griff wrote:
Flint wrote:
idk I read recently that Dairy isn't epidemiologically shown to be bad for you, same as eggs
eta: jfc is that Edit window adjustable? I edit nearly 100% of my postsMight need to edit our impulse control.
Good luck, that knob's busted.
I wear suspenders now. I'm officially an old prospector
Flint wrote:
eta: jfc is that Edit window adjustable? I edit nearly 100% of my posts
The edit window has now been adjusted to 24 hours.
I swear I replied to this. did you post in both cellars? these parallel universes are doing my head in.
I got 179 I already follow a low chol diet and do a 5K four times a week, two walking and two running. My sis has high cholesterol too, so chances are it's genetic, which is not encouraging. BP and pulse great, BMI not brilliant but not obese and heading in right direction. sigh. Doc said keep on doing what I'm doing but........ I'd rather have seen a lower figure. Oh well, onwards. Ran this morning. HATE running
monster wrote:
I swear I replied to this. did you post in both cellars? these parallel universes are doing my head in.
I got 179 I already follow a low chol diet and do a 5K four times a week, two walking and two running. My sis has high cholesterol too, so chances are it's genetic, which is not encouraging. BP and pulse great, BMI not brilliant but not obese and heading in right direction. sigh. Doc said keep on doing what I'm doing but........ I'd rather have seen a lower figure. Oh well, onwards. Ran this morning. HATE running
aha! I just got a capcha thing before it allowed my post. I bet that happened before but I'd already moved on and didn't notice
Yeah my has gone crazy in a three year span. I need to read up on food rules. I need the exercise for my attitude anyway. I didn't post it on Old Cellar as its kind of important to me and it would have been drowned in grape seed extract.
That sounds like a particularly unpleasant way to go.
Feels very similar to the Covid.
I haven't had my cholesterol checked in who knows how long, but I've gained 20 pounds in the last two years so I know it can't be good. The pandemic has been a very unhelpful time for my body to hit that middle-age metabolism crash...
LDL = 75 standard 0-129
HDL = 61 standard 40-59
griff wrote:
f'in 199 LDL !!!!
Crap. Gonna be big changes made. See Pete got an Icecream maker a year ago.
Flint wrote:
idk I read recently that Dairy isn't epidemiologically shown to be bad for you, same as eggs
Yebbut homemade bacon double cheeseburger ice cream.....
Yeah things got pretty outrageous around here. My eating habits had no consideration for cholesterol so I have a lot I can do in that department.
Okay, I just made the 2 week meal list and cycled in some responsible choices.
I think it's just genetics. I eat tons of bacons, Spam, beefy goodness, slather butter, fry everything in copious amounts of olive oil (extra virgin- from the fat and ugly olives), and I freebase cheese.
My ratio is 3.1 ldl:110/ hdl:62
Most recent HDL is a bit higher than usual. was 102/52. so maybe fewer cheese?
xoxoxoBruce wrote:
LDL = 75 standard 0-129
HDL = 61 standard 40-59
I bet you are using performance enhancing drugs.
footfootfoot wrote:
I think it's just genetics. I eat tons of bacons, Spam, beefy goodness, slather butter, fry everything in copious amounts of olive oil (extra virgin- from the fat and ugly olives), and I freebase cheese.
My ratio is 3.1 ldl:110/ hdl:62
Most recent HDL is a bit higher than usual. was 102/52. so maybe fewer cheese?
Imma try not to hate...
Karma'll get him somehow....
All I eat is meat and the occasional avocado. And my numbers are all good.
I'm making a list! ;)
fargon wrote:
All I eat is meat and the occasional avocado. And my numbers are all good.
Owlsley, is that you?
This influx of veggies, flax seed, chia seed, etc... into my diet has led to truly magnificent bowel movements. That is all.