The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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6/18/2021 10:44 pm  #1

I still miss beest. like a mad thing

I first came across this song through this talent show audition that came up on youtube.  I don't know why it recently popped back into my head but it did and it got stuck and it's still perfect and I don't really need to be feeling like this right now..   Not my kind of music really, but....

I don't write him letters that I'll never send (not in this verson, but in the full lyrics below), but I realize that I store up things to tell him and I'm bursting (No please don't give me advice about how to deal with that)  I just wanted to name my pain.  

ktxbai (telling you did help -I bawled some, and I stopped....ish....)

I picked up your shirts this morning
I don’t know why, I don’t know why
Mr Reynolds said to say hello
I started to cry, I started to cry
Every place we ever walked and
Everywhere we talked, I miss you
You never leave my mind
So much of you is left behind
You took my days with you
Took my nights with you
Those unfinished conversations
We used to have still speak to me
And I write you letters every day
That I’ll never send and you’ll never see
All this wishful thinking
Gets me nowhere I can’t stay
Though my heart is broken
It keeps breaking every day
You took my hopes with you
Took my dreams with you
I keep thinking that you’ll be calling
Everyone says that it’s all in my head
And I can’t accept it yet
I’m not ready to just give in
I know that I can’t live in this pain
With these feelings of regret
I can’t comprehend this
And pretend that I don’t care
Any place I wanna be
I wanna see you there
You took my life with you
Took my world with you


Last edited by monster (6/18/2021 11:11 pm)

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart

6/19/2021 5:38 am  #2

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

Storing up things to tell him,.. that hits pretty hard.

If you would only recognize that life is hard, things would be so much easier for you. - Louis Brandeis

6/19/2021 6:27 am  #3

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

Virtual, hands-off, won't-invade-your-space hugs.

Living life on the edge.

6/19/2021 9:53 am  #4

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

Thanks guys.  Sometimes just being able to say it to someone who isn't right in front of you is a big help.  In real life, people are so awkward if you admit how tough it is so you just bottle it up

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart
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6/19/2021 2:23 pm  #5

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

hi monster

your friends, including me, are thinking of you and wishing you well

(god, I hope they're all more articulate than I am)

your friend,


Be Just And Fear Not

6/19/2021 5:37 pm  #6

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

I care, and I'm sorry, and I'm glad that you share with us how it feels.


8/12/2021 5:04 pm  #7

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

Im so sorry Monster,I know how much ya mi$$ beest


8/12/2021 7:05 pm  #8

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing



wtf man?

Be Just And Fear Not

8/12/2021 7:08 pm  #9

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

sending you a big hug, monster

signature s c h m i g n a t u r e

8/12/2021 8:22 pm  #10

Re: I still miss beest. like a mad thing

my darlinks, I'm doing ok rn, , but thanks.  this was another mindless old post resurrection ..

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity  Amelia Earhart
     Thread Starter

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