The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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    Topic Replies Views Last post
    February 18th, 2021: Knife Angel by monster
    2/18/2021 8:42 pm
    9 981
    February 11th, 2021: Rivers of Gold by monster
    2/11/2021 12:25 pm
    5 774
    February 10th, 2021: Line of Fire by monster
    2/10/2021 8:05 pm
    1 381
    2/11/2021 12:53 pm
    by Diaphone Jim
    Origami ~ From paper planes to OMG! by xoxoxoBruce
    1/15/2021 2:52 pm
    8 1,121
    January 24th 2021: Not Chocolate Chip Cookies by monster
    1/24/2021 10:52 am
    4 669
    Stunning Astronomy Picture of the Day by Diaphone Jim
    1/24/2021 12:54 pm
    6 804
    Blue Ice by xoxoxoBruce
    1/04/2021 9:04 pm
    4 684
    1/06/2021 5:43 am
    by xoxoxoBruce
    December 23rd, 2020: P-P-Pick up a Penguin by monster
    12/23/2020 11:00 am
    4 736
    5 774
    November 22nd, 2020: Social Distancing by monster
    11/22/2020 11:06 am
    6 912
    12/09/2020 11:59 am
    by footfootfoot
    December 2, 2020: Collapse of a Giant by monster
    12/02/2020 11:24 am
    9 1,074
    November 24th, 2020: Metal Monolith by monster
    11/24/2020 9:18 am
    13 1,548
    November 25th, 2020: Milliner to Marine Life by monster
    11/25/2020 7:40 pm
    4 625
    November 7, 2020: Stars and Stripes by monster
    11/07/2020 8:48 pm
    0 396
    November 5th, 2020, A Ghost for Carruthers by xoxoxoBruce
    11/05/2020 5:19 am
    2 536

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