The Cellar: a friendly neighborhood coffee shop, with no coffee and no shop. Established 1990.

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    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Whiffling by xoxoxoBruce
    8/11/2021 10:16 pm
    2 629
    Jumping Puppy by xoxoxoBruce
    8/05/2021 12:31 am
    0 424
    8/05/2021 12:31 am
    by xoxoxoBruce
    Canopy World Record by xoxoxoBruce
    7/26/2021 7:23 pm
    11 1,320
    8/01/2021 10:40 pm
    by xoxoxoBruce
    Translucent Textiles by xoxoxoBruce
    7/22/2021 12:43 am
    0 326
    7/22/2021 12:43 am
    by xoxoxoBruce
    Ephemeral Pareidolic Anamorphosis by xoxoxoBruce
    7/09/2021 11:21 pm
    0 381
    7/09/2021 11:21 pm
    by xoxoxoBruce
    June 21, 2021: Routes to Roots by monster
    6/21/2021 8:59 pm
    14 1,388
    7/02/2021 5:48 am
    by xoxoxoBruce
    Night Sky by xoxoxoBruce
    6/17/2021 11:47 pm
    5 718
    6/19/2021 12:32 pm
    by xoxoxoBruce
    June 10, 2021: Lake Mead in Need by monster
    6/10/2021 9:30 pm
    17 1,557
    June 11 2021: Mount Recyclemore by monster
    6/11/2021 9:32 pm
    2 438
    5/18/21 DuPont State Forest NC by griff
    5/18/2021 6:24 am
    5 1,026
    May 1st, 2021: Peace On Earth by monster
    5/01/2021 10:32 pm
    14 1,453
    Roots by Diaphone Jim
    4/30/2021 12:01 pm
    0 381
    4/30/2021 12:01 pm
    by Diaphone Jim
    4-14-21 Parlor City Cherry Trees by griff
    4/14/2021 4:39 pm
    9 975
    April 1st, 2021: Otterly Zinnful by monster
    4/01/2021 10:07 pm
    7 875
    4/07/2021 8:25 pm
    by footfootfoot
    3 778

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